Uniswap v4
Uniswap v4 offers gas savings for both swappers and liquidity providers with lower pool creation costs, more efficient multi-hop swaps, and native ETH support. The v4 codebase has received hundreds of pull requests from the community.
Uniswap v4 is Here – A New Era of DeFi
2025年1月31日 · Uniswap v4 transforms the protocol into a developer platform with unlimited customizability. It does this through hooks – modular plugins that allow developers to build custom logic for pools, swaps, fees, and LP positions. Over 150 hooks have already been developed, introducing everything from dynamic fees to automated liquidity management.
Uniswap v4
Uniswap v4 inherits all of the capital efficiency gains of Uniswap v3, but provides flexibility via hooks and gas optimizations across the entire lifecycle. For additional information, see the Uniswap v4 whitepaper
- [PDF]
Uniswap v4 Core
Uniswap v4 is a non-custodial automated market maker imple-mented for the Ethereum Virtual Machine. Uniswap v4 ofers cus-tomizability via arbitrary code hooks, allowing developers to aug-ment the concentrated liquidity model introduced in Uniswap v3 with new functionality.
Our Vision for Uniswap v4 - Uniswap Protocol
2023年6月12日 · Uniswap v4 is Here – A New Era of DeFi. After code contributions from hundreds of community members, nine independent audits, the largest security competition in history, and a $15.5 million bug bounty – Uniswap v4 is now live.
What is Uniswap v4?
2025年2月10日 · Uniswap v4 gives developers access to deep liquidity and existing powerful features like concentrated liquidity. It reduces network costs for liquidity providers and swappers while introducing more fee tiers and greater customization for liquidity pools.
Uniswap V4 解读:钩子和其他功能 - datawallet.com
Uniswap V4 引入了迄今为止可定制性最强、资本效率最高的 Uniswap 协议版本。 该版本于 2025 年 1 月 31 日 推出,扩大了开发人员的控制权,降低了气体费用,并为交易商和流动性提供商(LP)提供了先进的流动性策略。
Uniswap V4 完全指南 | 登链社区 | 区块链技术社区
2025年2月27日 · 文章详细介绍了Uniswap协议从V1到V4的演进过程,重点讨论了V3和V4在流动性管理、自动做市商(AMM)机制、手续费优化等方面的新特性和挑战。 文章 视频 讲堂 百科图谱 线下集训
Uniswap V4正式发布上线!一文看懂Uniswap V4新功能与发展 …
Uniswap V4(2025):在前代基础上进一步扩展可自订性、降低成本,并加入前所未有的挂钩机制,使Uniswap成为更灵活、功能更强大的DeFi平台。 当前与未来发展
v4 vs v3 | Uniswap
v4: Pool pairs support native tokens, in doing so ETH swappers and liquidity providers benefit from gas cost reductions from cheaper transfers and removal of additional wrapping costs. v3: ETH needs to be wrapped first before being paired with other tokens. This results in higher gas costs because of wrapping and transferring a wrapped native ...