Wyoming Unit 16 HELP!!!!! - Hunt Talk
2019年7月12日 · 16 is a madhouse. The public land in the SE holds some antelope, but it is extremely broken and more like deer country. If you can hike off the roads, down to a creek, then up and over the next ridge, you should find some in an 8-12 mile round trip.
NM Unit 16 Gila - Hunt Talk
2016年7月27日 · Drew Unit 16 Muzzleloader for FAD. This will be my first time ever hunting the Gila. Very excited! I really want to take advantage of this unit with the limit of vehicles and pack in far and push the limits. Any tips? Was somewhat leaning towards areas 16A&B. Mogollon Baldy Peak and south range seem steep and dense.
CO Unit 16 Elk - Hunt Talk
2016年5月23日 · I am looking at hunting this unit as an OTC archery tag Sept 10-17. I wanted to hunt up by Roxy Ann lake and car camp while taking in a spike camp on my back daily in the event I get into Elk I can spike out over night. This will be my first elk hunt and I was curious if anyone has hunted this unit during this time and can lend some pointers.
WY area 16 info - Hunt Talk
2017年6月29日 · You are a WY nonresident? unit 16 requires close max points (19 points) to draw for elk. Do you have max points or at least 18? That is the initial hoop to jump through before worrying much about the scouting phase. No secret that 16 has a lot of elk and good bulls. Plenty of public to hunt. Great for a bow hunt or rifle. A good choice if you ...
Wyoming units 16, 17, or 23? - Hunt Talk
2012年12月17日 · 16 is a fine unit for does. Look into the walk in areas, there are plenty of does there but get there opening day for your best chance on public land. The issue with these units is they get hammered due to the short season and after the first few days, a lot of the game is …
1st Wyoming Antelope Hunt - Unit 16 - Hunt Talk
2016年8月7日 · In the unit I was in, if I remember correctly, there were a few two tracks through the BLM or Natl Forest that matched to the OnX "paths". Use Google Earth to verify. I specifically remember one of these tracks in the Natl Forest that snaked to the back section of the land by hugging the property line for a good 6 miles
Wy Unit 16 elk - Hunt Talk
2012年5月5日 · Wy Unit 16 elk. Thread starter UtahMountainMan; Start date Feb 28, 2016; Feb 28, 2016 #1 UtahMountainMan
New Mexico Unit 16 Mule Deer - Hunt Talk
2021年12月22日 · Hey everyone, a buddy and myself drew the late archery FAD tag for 16 this year. I have never been South of the San Jauns so this is definitely going to be some new country for us. Were planning on setting up a camp roughly between 16A &16B so my questions would pertain to that area.
NM Elk Unit 16C Hunt Success - Hunt Talk
2012年1月31日 · Well guys I finally drew a New Mexico Elk bull tag in Unit 16C October 16-20th. Been applying for some time now, and it happened. Now this is my first elk bull hunt, and super pumped to do this hunt in unit 16C. I did a cow elk hunt last year in Wyoming with a party and it was blast. I'm a rookie at elk hunting, so this adventure will interesting.
Looking for some general knowledge about Wyoming Elk Unit 16
2021年12月14日 · Unit 16 has caught my eye as a possibility, but looking at it has me a little worried about a frustrating hunt with ATVs everywhere and elk escaping to private land. I'd really like to put these kids in a unit where they'll see elk and have a real shot on public land.