Unit 33 - First hunt - Rifle hunting for Coues Deer - CouesWhitetail ...
2014年9月2日 · I was out in Unit 33 this past weekend, and checked out PepperSauce Canyon area, and focused on the Oracle Ridge area. We took the 4wd all the way along the end of Oracle Ridge till the road ended, up towards Rice Peak. Didn't see much opportunity there, unless we jumped the fence and hiked down Oracle Ridge (west) for a mile or two.
AZ Unit 33 Late - CouesWhitetail.com Discussion forum
2014年9月24日 · 33 is a unit that you can hunt yourself, you will just need good glass and a willingness to hike some. I killed my first coues near the old"prison camp" off the Mt Lemon HW. I saw much more deer when I started camping and dirt biking off the Reddington Pass road.
First time hunting in AZ - unit 33 - Coues Deer Hunting in Arizona ...
2019年7月22日 · Tons of places all over the unit that hold deer. It's a big unit so pick an area (I'd read the AZ Game and Fish description of the unit) and hunt that area your entire hunt. There are 4 hunts plus archery OTC hunts before yours, so it may be a little tougher to find deer than normal. Good luck, bring good optics, glass hard, and be patient.
Unit 33 coues deer - Bowhunting for Coues Deer
2020年5月8日 · So I hunted unit 33 for Mule deer last year and got a buck. I’m thinking of trying for coues in the same unit. I’ve got some ideas of spots, but I know the unit gets hit hard with hunters. In the early August otc hunt should I find a tank and sit water? Or spot and stalk. I’m trying to get ahead start this year.
Unit 33 October - CouesWhitetail.com Discussion forum
2024年2月13日 · Ive hunted a lot helping out outfitters and im capaple of glassing all day and hunting hard. I also have the best optics and equipment in the game. Im thinking about an early october unit 33 coues tag as i have 4 points and it is a guaranteed draw. Anyone hunt there? What is your opinion on the unit and quality?
Unit 33 Hot Spots and Honey Holes! - Rifle hunting for Coues Deer ...
2013年9月4日 · 2 hours ago, Ed67 said: Son didn’t draw wt 36B October hunt with 2 points. We picked those up as leftovers for years. I drew 12AW late, 16 points. Stoked. Unreal! On the 36b tag
Coues Deer Activity Unit 33 - Coues Deer Hunting in Arizona ...
2019年11月15日 · The first season we hunted unit 33 was the first general rifle tag in October. Very hot and warm, but we were able to find a couple small bucks and get one on the ground. Last season, we were drawn for the second general rifle hunt in October and were able to harvest another small buck.
Nov. unit 33 - Coues Deer Hunting in Arizona
2004年7月20日 · Nov. unit 33. By Kilimanjaro, July 20, 2004 in Coues Deer Hunting in Arizona. Recommended Posts. Kilimanjaro
whitetail in unit 33 - CouesWhitetail.com Discussion forum
2005年7月22日 · Unit 33 is a Crem Dela Crem. Thats it. Dan. Share this post. Link to post Share on other sites. 25-06 25-06
Unit 33 - Page 2 - Coues Deer Hunting in Arizona
2017年1月24日 · 33 doesn't have 100% draw odds. So posting what unit these bucks came out of only hurts guys who try to hunt it on a regular basis. So out of respect to those who don't profit off of it, keep it to yourself.