Heidelberg University
Heidelberg University defines itself as an internationally networked research university dedicated to research-oriented teaching. It believes it has a duty to help address the issues facing humanity by crossing the divide between disciplines.
All Subjects - Heidelberg University
With a spectrum of more than 190 degree programmes, the Heidelberg University offers an almost unique variety of subject combination options in Germany. Inform: Each subject presents itself with its focus, features and characteristics.
University - Heidelberg University
Since its establishment in 1386, Heidelberg University has produced a wealth of prominent and influential personalities – researchers, teachers and graduates alike.
About the University - Heidelberg University
Heidelberg University is a comprehensive university, offering the full spectrum of disciplines in the humanities, law and the social sciences alongside the natural and life sciences, including medicine.
Study - Heidelberg University
Bachelor's degree programmes at Heidelberg University usually take six semesters to complete. Students can focus on a single major or add a related subject area (split 50/50 or 75/25, depending on the programme).
Master - Heidelberg University
A Master's programme is a postgraduate degree programme that can usually be completed after the successful completion of the Bachelor's programme, but also after other university degrees.
Application & Enrolment - Heidelberg University
Admitted applicants must apply for enrolment at the university for all degree programmes by the deadline. The respective procedures differ depending on the applicants’ desired degree, the number of semesters and the particular prerequisites of the prospective students.
Scholarship Programmes - Heidelberg University
All German and international students from Heidelberg who are enrolled in a Bachelor's, Staatsexamen or Master's degree programme (with the exception of short-term or exchange students) are eligible to apply.
Universität Heidelberg - Heidelberg University
Die Universität Heidelberg definiert sich als international vernetzte Forschungsuniversität mit Schwerpunkten in der forschungsorientierten Lehre. Sie betrachtet es als ihre Aufgabe, über die Grenzen von Disziplinen hinweg Antworten auf die großen Fragen der Menschheit zu erarbeiten.
History - Heidelberg University
2025年2月25日 · In the centuries since its founding, Heidelberg University has experienced many ups and downs in connection with its scientific reputation, its intellectual charisma, and its attractiveness to professors and students. In the 16th century Heidelberg evolved into a …