unMineable - Earn your favorite crypto coins!
All you need to get started is your PC and a BTC address! Try our easy guided setup! RandomX miners: As requested by many miners we’ve recently pushed an update adding support for xmr-node-proxy via ports 4445 (TCP) & 14445 (SSL).
Welcome Applicants! / Applicants - Unemployment Insurance Minnesota
UI benefits provide a temporary partial wage replacement to workers who become unemployed through no fault of their own. If you have become unemployed or had your hours greatly reduced, complete the Application Process – we will determine …
Releases · hiroi-sora/Umi-OCR - GitHub
2024年8月31日 · 此发行版在 Ubuntu 22.04 / Debian 11 / Debian 12 / Kali 2023.3 桌面环境中通过测试。 如果遇到问题,可参考 常见问题及修复方法 ,或根据报错安装缺失的依赖库。 欢迎提 Issue 共同讨论解决方法。 有能力的用户可尝试 从源码部署 Umi-OCR ,以得到最好的兼容性。 首次运行请在命令行中执行 ./umi-ocr.sh ,随后可在全局设置中创建桌面/开始菜单快捷方式,便于日常使用。 English. 新推出 Linux (Debian) 平台版本。 支持: Docker 部署 。 新增:HTTP 文 …
Unemployment Insurance Minnesota
This is the official website of the Minnesota Unemployment Insurance Program.
hiroi-sora/Umi-OCR - GitHub
免费:本项目所有代码开源,完全免费。 方便:解压即用,离线运行,无需网络。 高效:自带高效率的离线OCR引擎,内置多种语言识别库。 灵活:支持命令行、HTTP接口等外部调用方式。 开发者请务必阅读 构建项目 。 以下发布链接均长期维护,提供稳定版本的下载。 Scoop 是一款Windows下的命令行安装程序,可方便地管理多个应用。 您可以先安装 Scoop ,再使用以下指令安装. 软件发布包下载为 .7z 压缩包或 .7z.exe 自解压包。 自解压包可在没有安装压缩软件的 …
Umi-OCR(图片文字识别工具) v2.1.4 正式版 - 果核剥壳
2024年9月2日 · Umi-OCR是免费开源的离线OCR软件,支持Windows10/11,可批量识别图片文字,忽略水印等指定区域。 含中英识别库,支持多国语言扩展包。 采用PaddleOCR-json C++引擎,高效精准。 新增HTTP文档识别接口,修复了文件名含非ascii字符等问题。 Umi-OCR是一款免费,开源,可批量的离线OCR软件,适用于 Windows10,11 平台。 可以批量识别普通图片并识别文字内容导出,以及还有支持忽略指定区域的特殊功能,例如可以屏蔽掉视频右上角水印和游 …
Playing UNMI | Terraforming Mars - BoardGameGeek
2018年5月7日 · yesterday, UNMI won a 5 player game at our place. You need to make sure you have some way to really use your ability, so you can raise your TR every generation. You will probably want to have a rather short game and terraform a lot on your own. otherwise, I'd focus on the terraformer milestone. Hope this gives you some advice.
UNIT 1 FARO Smart Helmet | MIPS | Lights - Amazon.com
2023年9月29日 · Boost your safety with its more than 500 lumens lights. CUSTOMIZATION: fully customize your devices, all in sync, with more than +1,500,500 possible combinations, through the UNIT 1 iOS & Android App - the hub that controls it all. STYLISH: Award-Winning Design (iF Gold Winner & Red Dot Award Winner).
Unum Insurance | Disability Insurance | Life Insurance | Financial ...
2025年2月27日 · Unum provides comprehensive financial insurance products to industries of all sizes. Leader in disability insurance, life insurance, compliance and developing HR technology solutions for our clients.
Umi-OCR: Umi-OCR 是一款免费、开源、可批量的离线 OCR 软 …
此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库: https://github.com/hiroi-sora/Umi-OCR. This operation requires login to the code cloud account. Please log in before operating. To ensure that your submitted code identity is correctly recognized by Gitee, please execute the following command.