General Quarters: U.S. Navy M14 Rifles - The Armory Life
2021年10月19日 · In 50 years of U.S. Navy service, the M14 performed as a combat rifle for the defense of the ship as well as a specialized line-throwing tool when equipped with the Mk 87 Mod 1 Line-Throwing Kit for use in replenishment (UNREP) operations.
Did You Know the M14 Did This? - The Armory Life
2022年5月24日 · The M14 is used by the U.S. Navy to “throw” a line between ships during underway replenishment. Image: NARA UNREP. In the U.S. Navy, underway replenishment (UNREP) is the primary way of transferring fuel, supplies, parts and even personnel from one ship to another while both are underway.
Underway replenishment (UNREP) - Navy Ships - Federation of …
1999年3月6日 · Underway replenishment (UNREP) is a broad term applied to all methods of transferring fuel, munitions, supplies, and personnel from one ship to another while the vessels are underway. Two general methods of UNREP are used - connected (CONREP) and vertical (VERTREP). They may be used singly or at the same time.
Gun Review: James River Armory M14F Rifle - The Truth About Guns
2016年8月11日 · The M14 rifle is a paradox in American service rifles. It was the last wood and steel service rifle adopted by US forces, born as the jet age gave way to the space age. Some have said it was obsolete before it was adopted in 1957. It earned a reputation as a rugged and reliable warrior in the early days of the Vietnam War.
国军为什么大量列装M14步枪,而不是更可靠的FN FAL? - 知乎
2024年12月21日 · 换M14时是60年代末,当时其实是有机会直接引入 M16 产线的,但出不起区区370万美元,岛内当时的冶金工业也无法提供制造M16所需的原材料,所以最后只能少量购买了事。 M14的所有设备和资料在国营春田兵工厂手里,此时M14已经停产,美帝就把这批东西以破烂价格打包给了WW。 WW拿到后由于生产设备已经非常老旧,最后生产出来的枪精度、可靠性和零件互换性均劣于原版。 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 …
2018年3月30日 · Mk14 EBR(Mk 14 Enhanced Battle Rifle)是基于M14自动步枪的衍生型号。 定位上Mk14EBR由于保留了700rpm的全自动模式, 所以可以担任长距离精确火力与近距离火力压制的任务. 只服役于特种作战司令部以下的单位. 比如陆战队马润,海豹,三角洲. 在EBR基础上,改装了EBR-RI,EBR-RI NM提供给陆军使用,以增强班一级火力。 在EBR之前,Mk14还有Mod 0和Mod 1版本,提供给空军和海军。 陆战队之后并没有大规模使用Mk14EBR,而使用自己研发 …
M14在不同模式中的表现如何? - 百度贴吧
m14是镜子抖,但枪是准的,适应了就好了,另外目前191主宰大战场的环境,m14只能说能用,并不是特别强,如果喜欢架点或者想针对191,可以试试m250 Obj277
My Federal Ordnance M14
2021年1月9日 · We used to have these in the Navy to fire shot lines to another ship for unrep. Yeah, but they werent Fed Ord! My first M14 type rifle was a Fed Ord, early one with GI parts. It shot well, spent a few bucks on it getting it match tuned and competed with it until I scrounged enough dough to buy a Super Match.
This is what we should use for unrep instead of the m14 lol
2019年12月7日 · 290 votes, 22 comments. 167K subscribers in the navy community. This is primarily a US Navy-centric subreddit, but all are welcome. REMEMBER OPSEC…
US Navy uses the M14E2 too | M14 Forum
2013年7月20日 · M14 M1A Forum. The M14