UNS-SR Universal Night Sight - N-Vision Optics
The UNS-SR is a high-resolution Night Vision Clip-On device that mounts on any MIL-STD-1913 rail interface and in front of existing day optics. The UNS-SR is installed, operated, and …
Knight Vision UNS-SR Night Vision Clip-On Weapon Sight
Knight Vision UNS-SR Night Vision Clip-On Weapon Sight (26499) designed for night time engagements under 500 yards. Light weight and short length, optimal back pack accessory for …
Knight Vision ® UNS-A3 Night Vision Clip-on Weapon Sight
The Knight Vision ® UNS-A3 Night Vision Clip-on Weapon Sight adds night vision capability to existing magnified day scopes and is optimized for use with the Trijicon ACOG or any short to …
Knight Vision - Knight's Armament
The UNS products can be fitted onto most welded weapons and/or day optical sights. This innovative design and engineering solution has been awarded with milestone US contracts as …
UNS LR A3 - AN/PVS-30 - Knight's Armament
The UNS™ LR LP clip-on Weapon Sight (WS), Type Classified as AN/PVS-30 adds the latest high-performance Gen 3 light intensification night vision to most rifles and day scopes by …
Knight's Armament Co. UNS LR A3 - Tactical Night Vision Company
The UNS-A3 is ideal for use with short-medium magnification day optics. While the sweet spot for magnification is between 6-8X, it can easily provide very usable resolution with standard DMR …
Knight Vision® UNS-LR A3 Night Vision Weapon Sight - Night …
The Knight Vision® MIL Spec AN/PVS-30 Clip-on Night Vision Weapon Sight, adds the latest high performance Gen 3 light intensification night vision to most rifles and day scopes.
The UNS SR is universal and fits most fielded rifles and day scope by attaching to the picatinny rail. Using the latest high performance GEN 3 intensifier tube in a proven design, where the …
UNS-A2 Universal Night Sight – N-Vision Optics
The UNS is a high-resolution Clip-on Night Vision Device that mounts on any MIL-STD-1913 rail interface in front of an existing scope, adding night vision capabilities to daytime target …
Knight Vision® UNS-SR | NightVisionNetwork
The UNS SR is universal and fits most fielded rifles and day scopes by attaching to the picatinny rail. Using the latest high-performance GEN 3 intensifier tube in a proven design, where the …