University of Arizona - D2L
Welcome to the University of Arizona D2L course site. Click to log in to the UA NetID system.
University of Arizona - D2L (Desire2Learn)
Not Seeing Your D2L Course Site? Sites are automatically activated 1 week prior to the course start date. Students: If you don't see a class in D2L, and it starts in less than a week, your instructor may have made it inactive. If you are concerned about access, please email your …
Access Brightspace - Student Help - University of Arizona
2024年10月22日 · Navigate to https://d2l.arizona.edu/ (opens in a new tab) in your web browser. Step 2. Select the UA NetID Login button. Step 3. Enter your UA NetID and password and select Login. Step 4. If prompted, choose an authentication method (e.g., Duo Push, Passcode, etc.) and follow the steps to authenticate on your device.
Current Students | The University of Arizona
Today, Arizona is home to 22 federally recognized tribes, with Tucson being home to the O’odham and the Yaqui. The University strives to build sustainable relationships with sovereign Native Nations and Indigenous communities through education offerings, partnerships, and community service.
Desire2Learn (D2L) | University of Arizona College of Nursing
D2L (Desire2Learn) provides instructors and students with an online space for traditional classroom, online, or hybrid courses. Instructors and students can use D2L for: Course syllabi; Readings; Assignments; Quizzes; Grades; Course files; Classmate lists; Assignment dropboxes; Online discussions
D2L | University Information Technology Services - it.arizona.edu
D2L (Desire2Learn) provides instructors and students with an online space for traditional classroom courses, online classes, or hybrids.
University of Arizona D2L Brightspace Help Pages
University of Arizona’s D2L/Brightspace Help Pages; D2L Help; Illustrated step-by-step instructions for the most commonly used tools in D2L/Brightspace. Accessibility tips to make your D2L/Brightspace course sites accessible.
University of Arizona - D2L(Desire2Learn)
If you are member of The University of Arizona and you wish to begin offering workshops and trainings for members of the general public, please work with your department and college support staff to gain the necessary access.
Brightspace Community Login Instructions - University of Arizona
2025年1月29日 · Individuals affiliated with the University of Arizona and with an active UA NetID should login through the UA NetID Login portal. Individuals who do not have a UA NetID must login through the Public Participants portal.