Honeywell Sustainable Aviation Fuel - UOP Home
Made from the UOP Renewable Jet Fuel Process TM, Honeywell Sustainable Aviation Fuel meets or exceeds the most rigorous jet fuel standards for performance and can be made from a variety of sustainable feedstocks. Learn more about Ecofining …
Honeywell UOP eFining™ Technology – Methanol to Jet - UOP …
Honeywell today announced its innovative, new, UOP eFining™ technology, a ready-now solution for producing low-carbon sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). HIF Global, the world’s leading eFuels company, intends to deploy the new technology to produce …
Ecofining™ - UOP Home
Honeywell’s UOP Ecofining TM process has been used to produce SAF commercially since 2016 and was one of the first technology used to maximize SAF production for commercial aviation. Ecofining was developed to deliver the best performance for a wide range of waste fats, oils and greases or feedstocks such as oil crops that can be grown on ...
欧盟要求所有在欧盟境内机场起飞的飞机必须填加SAF,否则将面临罚款。 预计到2030 年SAF 添加比例达到5%。 在北美,现行激励措施包括加州LCFS 计划和联邦1 美元/加仑燃料混合物税收抵免。 根据原料和燃料碳强度的不同,美国未来有望立法将SAF 的税收抵免提高到1.50- 2.00 美元/加仑。 香港:到2030 年,国泰航空的SAF 为10% ,目前为2023年需求的2% 。 国泰航空于2014 年投资于Fulcrum 生物能源公司. 空中客车:在其位于法国图卢兹、德国汉堡和美国航空公司阿拉巴马州莫 …
霍尼韦尔推出新型可持续航空燃料技术 可降低88%的温室气体排放
2023年5月11日 · 霍尼韦尔UOP eFining™是一种甲醇制航空燃料 (MTJ)工艺技术,能可靠地将eMethanol大规模转换为eSAF。 相较于其他可比技术,该技术能够高效地实现高收率、低成本的eSAF生产。
Honeywell Introduces UOP eFining™ Technology for New Class of ...
2023年5月10日 · Honeywell's UOP eFining is a methanol to jet fuel (MTJ) processing technology that can convert eMethanol to eSAF reliably and at scale. The technology is efficient, resulting in high-yield eSAF production at a lower cost relative to comparable technologies.
Honeywell Uses Sustainable Aviation Fuel | Honeywell Aerospace
2023年1月30日 · Developed by World Energy LLC in California using Honeywell’s UOP Ecofining™ technology and distributed by World Fuel Services, the sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) is produced by converting readily available renewable materials such as hydrotreated esters and fatty acids (HEFA).
霍尼韦尔UOP卢静:醇制SAF技术进展及实践》 - 搜狐
2024年11月15日 · 霍尼韦尔的 UOP eFining 是一种甲醇制航空燃料 (MTJ) 加工技术 ,可靠且大规模地将 eMethanol(电子甲醇) 转化为多种可持续燃料,包括eSAF(电子可持续航空燃料),eGasoline(电子汽油)和eDiesel(电子柴油) 。
Ecofining™ 工艺 -特性材料和技术 - 霍尼韦尔中国 - Honeywell
霍尼韦尔UOP的Ecofining™工艺自2016年以来一直被用于商业化生产可持续航空燃料(SAF),是首批用于商业航空可持续航空燃料生产的技术之一。 Ecofining的开发是为了通过利用各种废弃油脂或原料(如可在偏远土地上种植的油料作物)来生产高品质燃料。
Taiyo Oil Selects Honeywell Ethanol To Jet Technology For …
Honeywell today announced that Taiyo Oil Co., Ltd. has chosen the Honeywell UOP Ethanol to Jet (ETJ) technology to produce Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) at its Okinawa Operations in Japan contact us