UPC1185H Datasheet, PDF - Alldatasheet
Description: Power Amplifier 5,8W. 2 Results. Part #: UPC1185H2. Datasheet: 46Kb/1P. Manufacturer: List of Unclassifed Manufacturers.
UPC1185H Datasheet(PDF) - List of Unclassifed Manufacturers
Description: Power Amplifier 5,8W. Manufacturer: List of Unclassifed Manufacturers.
UPC1185H NEC Transistors - Veswin Electronics
You can get components availability and pricing for UPC1185H, view detailed information that including UPC1185H manufacturer and datasheets. You can buy or learn about UPC1185H right here, right now. Veswin is an electronic component distributor for commodity, common, obsolete / hard to find electronic components.
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Datasheet Archive: UPC1185H datasheets
View results and find upc1185h datasheets and circuit and application notes in pdf format.
UPC1185H简单易制的功率放大器 - 模拟电子 - 电子工程世界-论坛
2006年7月2日 · uPC1185H是市场比较常见的单列直插12脚双功放集成电路。 该集成电路在电源电压为13.2V、负载电阻为4Ω时,每个声道输出5.8W(OTL方式)不失真功率。
NEC Corporation - UPC1185H - IC, telecom. Dual audio amplifier.
Dual channel audio power output amplifier. Case: 12 power sip.
UPC1185H2 DataSheet - NEC Corporation - Datasheets360.com
UPC1185H2 from NEC Corporation. Find the PDF Datasheet, Specifications and Distributor Information.
简单易制的uPC1185H功率放大器 - tech.hqew.com
2016年8月10日 · uPC1185H是市场比较常见的单列直插12脚双功放集成电路。该集成电路在电源电压为13。2V、负载电阻为4Ω时,每个声道输出5。8W(OTL方式)不失真功率。若接成BTL方式,输出功率可达17W。
UPC1185H2 datasheet, amplifier equivalent, ETC
UPC1185H2 Description. Power Amplifier.