Upland Church of Christ | Home
We would like to welcome you to the Upland church of Christ! We are a vibrant and loving congregation comprised of people from all age groups and many cultures, united together through the love of Christ.
Upland Church of Christ | Staff & Leadership
The Upland church of Christ is led by godly, qualified men (1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9) who serve under Jesus Christ, the chief Shepherd (1 Peter 5:4). These men are responsible for feeding the congregation with God’s word (Acts 20:28), and …
Upland Church of Christ | Join Us
Patterned after the examples given in the New Testament, our weekly worship service consists of prayer, praise, remembering Christ's sacrifice for us by partaking of communion, and learning more about God's will for our lives through the minister's sermon.
Upland Church of Christ | Connect
Upland Church of Christ l 331 W. 9th St, Upland, CA l (909) 982-1676 facebook instagram youtube
Upland Church of Christ | Our History & Beliefs
The Upland Church of Christ has been in existence since February 25, 1940 when approximately 40 people met together in facilities rented from the Upland Womens Building at 590 North Second Ave.
Upland Church of Christ | History
The Upland Church of Christ has been in existence since February 25, 1940 when approximately 40 people met together in facilities rented from the Upland Womens Building at 590 North Second Ave. The history of the Upland Church of Christ is the shared stories of the lives of all the individuals who have been a part of the Upland congregation ...
Upland Church of Christ | Other Ministries
Mission Scripture: "Him we preach, warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus." - Colossians 1:28. Mission Statement: The Upland church of Christ's men’s ministry seeks to develop biblically-grounded men of faith of all ages who reject passivity and accept responsibility by:
Upland Church of Christ | What To Expect
Patterned after the examples given in the New Testament, our weekly worship service consists of prayer, praise, remembering Christ's sacrifice for us by partaking of communion, and learning more about God's will for our lives through the minister's sermon.
Worship | Sun, Nov 21st 10:30am - Upland Church of Christ
2021年11月21日 · Upland Church of Christ l 331 W. 9th St, Upland, CA l (909) 982-1676 facebook instagram youtube
Upland Church of Christ | Kingdom Kids
Kingdom Kids is our children's ministry at Upland Church of Christ. This ministry is for children under 12 and their families. The group typically has 2 events each month.