Doctor in Sustainability - Faculty of Management and …
The Doctor in Sustainability (DSus) is a professional doctorate program that aims to produce graduates who can develop research-based solutions to persistent sustainability challenges. It will address the need for professionals with advanced academic training who are expected to develop transformative research approaches to address wicked ...
Doctorate Program – Office of the University Registrar
Complete the DE Readiness module for non-UPOU graduate; and; Exhibit mental aptitude, language proficiency, and readiness to the program through an interview. Additional Requirements for DSus. Demonstrate qualities of, and potentials for leadership as shown in their statement of purpose, references, and other pertinent documents;
UP BOR Approves Doctor in Sustainability Program at UPOU
The DSus program expects graduates to evaluate sustainability issues in various settings, design interdisciplinary sustainability frameworks, models, and systems, generate innovative solutions for complex challenges, and pursue careers as sustainability consultants, managers, researchers, and other related roles in the fields of sustainability ...
Attention DSus Applicants for First Semester AY 2024-2025
As part of the admission process to the Doctor in Sustainability (DSus) Program, a five-day Midyear Intensive Course from 05 to 10 August 2024 will be held on-site at the University of the Philippines Open University, Los Baños, Laguna in the Philippines.
The Doctor in Sustainability (DSus) is a professional doctorate program that aims to produce graduates who can develop research-based solutions to persistent sustainability challenges. It will address the need for professionals with advanced
#ICYMI: DSus Mid-Year Intensive Course - Faculty of Management …
#ICYMI: DSus Mid-Year Intensive Course. The Doctor of Sustainability Program will conduct its Mid-Year Intensive Course on 06-10 January 2025, as part of the ongoing admission process for 2nd Semester A.Y. 2024 – 2025. Completing the Intensive Course is a …
Doctor in Sustainability : UP Open University Helpdesk
Admission to the Doctor in Sustainability. This article will guide you through relevant information about the admission qualifications, procedures, and requirements to the Doctor in Sustainability program. Please read through this article carefully. What are the admission qualifications for the Doctor in Sustainability program?
Attention DSus Applicants... - UP Open University (UPOU)
As part of the admission process to the Doctor in Sustainability (DSus) Program, a five-day Midyear Intensive Course from 05 to 09 August 2024 will be held on-site at the UP Open University (UPOU), Los Baños, Laguna in the Philippines. Completing the Intensive Course is a requirement for admission to DSus.
Yesterda... - UPOU Faculty of Management & Development …
Yesterday, January 6, UPOU-FMDS commenced the first day of the Doctor in Sustainability (DSus) Intensive Course, at the Audio-Visual Room, UPOU Headquarters. FMDS Dean and DSus Program Chair, Prof. Joane V. Serrano, kicked off the event by introducing the UPOU and Open and Distance eLearning (ODeL), sustainability, and the role of DSus students ...
UPOU Faculty of Management & Development Studies
Attention DSus Applicants for First Semester AY 2024-2025 As part of the admission process to the Doctor in Sustainability (DSus) Program, a five-day Midyear Intensive Course from 05 to 10 August...