Secondary education - Wikipedia
Secondary education is the education level following primary education and preceding tertiary education. Level 2 or lower secondary education (less commonly junior secondary education) is considered the second and final phase of basic education, and level 3 upper secondary education or senior secondary education is the stage before tertiary ...
What Do Primary, Secondary, and Post-Secondary Education Mean?
2022年3月8日 · Upper secondary education follows directly after lower secondary education and is considered ISCED Level 3. Upper secondary education generally occurs between the ages of 14 and 18 and can also be referred to as high school.
Explained: What Is Upper Secondary Education?
2024年9月29日 · Understanding the definition of upper secondary education involves recognizing it as the stage of schooling that follows primary education and precedes higher education. This phase of education plays a crucial role in preparing students for …
Upper Secondary Education - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Upper Secondary Education refers to the stage of education that follows basic schooling and typically lasts for 2 to 4 years, catering to students aged 16-19. It aims to assist in students' moral development, provide them with skills and knowledge for further studies and employment, and foster lifelong learning.
What Is Upper Secondary School Education - 2025 Best Guide
2023年4月10日 · Upper Secondary school education is an alternative to a high school education. It is designed for kids who are not going to university and the schools are usually much smaller than high schools.
COE Glossary - National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)
College A postsecondary school that offers general or liberal arts education, usually leading to an associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s, or doctor’s degree.
EDUCATION INDICATORS: An International Perspective / …
Upper secondary education immediately follows lower secondary education and includes general (academic), technical, and vocational education, or any combination thereof, depending on the country. An upper secondary attainment level is roughly equivalent to a U.S. high school diploma.
Indicator 3: Secondary Education Enrollment - National Center …
Beyond the age of 18, few people are enrolled in upper secondary education. In other countries, upper secondary education can be structured quite differently from the comprehensive, general credential-granting high schools of the United States.
Upper secondary education | Unesco IIEP Learning Portal
Programmes at ISCED level 3, or upper secondary education, are typically designed to complete secondary education in preparation for tertiary education or provide skills relevant to employment, or both.
Definition & Meaning of "upper secondary education"
What is "upper secondary education"? Upper secondary education is the stage of education that follows lower secondary education and typically includes students aged fifteen to eighteen. It prepares students for higher education or vocational training.