Ural (computer) - Wikipedia
Ural (Russian: Урал) is a series of mainframe computers built in the former Soviet Union. The Ural was developed at the Electronic Computer Producing Manufacturer of Penza in the Soviet Union and was produced between 1956 and 1964.
Electronic Digital Computers URAL-1 - computer-museum.ru
URAL-1 – one-address binary arithmetic computer with a fixed point arithmetic. Binary numbers engaged in processing corresponded to approximately 11 decimal places. URAL-1 had fixed length of clock-rate and performed 100 ops.
T-72 - Wikipedia
The turret armour composition was essentially identical to the T-72 "Ural-1" whereas Soviet-only T-72As had slightly increased turret protection. Several T-72 models featured explosive reactive armour (ERA), which increased protection primarily …
乌拉尔(计算机) - 华文百科
ural-4的型号ural-1基于真空管(阀),硬件能够每秒执行12,000个浮点计算。 一个 单词 由40 位 组成,能够包含一个数字值或两个说明。 从URAL-2开始,将 铁氧体芯 用作手术内存。
T-72/90系列主战坦克研发史与型号(一) - 哔哩哔哩
2023年9月28日 · 此时的T-72也被非正式地称为T-72 Ural,1975年起新生产的T-72也被非正式地称作T-72 Ural-1。 基于这些早期T-72型号,也诞生了一些试验车和外贸型号。 我们将在本部分详细介绍这些车辆。
Ural (computer) - Wikiwand
The Indian Statistical Institute purchased an Ural-1 in 1958. [1] When the University of Tartu received a new computer in 1965, its old Ural 1 was moved to a science-based secondary school, the Nõo Reaalgümnaasium, making the latter one of …
(PDF) Exploring the Dynamics of Technological Decline through …
2022年10月18日 · We take as a case study the declined Soviet computer series Ural. Ural was once among the top three most used computers in the former Soviet Union, but went into decline and got lost even...
苏联T72坦克详解 ④ - 哔哩哔哩
接触-1(kontakt-1) Kontakt-1是一种苏联自研的爆炸反应装甲,和以色列夹克衫爆反在技术上没有一点关系。 苏联于1982年夏天完成了反应装甲与T-72整合的工作,并于1982年11月对安装了反应装甲的坦克进行了测试。
Bashir Iskanderovich Rameev. Russian Virtual Computer Museum
External memory device – ROM stored 40 000 words. “Ural-1” was intended for engineering calculations and so it was used at numerous computer centres and enterprises. “Ural-1” was followed by universal computers (mainly for civil purposes) …
Ural (arvuti) – Vikipeedia
Ural-1 juhtpaneel Ural on Nõukogude Liidus aastatel 1959–1971 toodetud elektronarvutite seeria. Esimene elektronavuti Eestis oli Urali seeria esimene mudel Ural-1 ning see paiknes TÜ arvutuskeskuses .