Ural-375 - Wikipedia
The Ural-375 is a general purpose 4.5 ton 6×6 truck produced at the Ural Automotive Plant in the Russian SFSR from 1961 to 1993. The Ural-375 replaced the ZIL-157 as the standard Soviet Army truck in 1979, and was replaced by the Ural-4320 .
乌拉尔-375 - 百度百科
乌拉尔-375是一种多用途4.5吨级6x6卡车,由苏联乌拉尔汽车厂自1961年起生产。 1979年,乌拉尔-375D成为苏军标准卡车,代替了此前的吉尔-157。 乌拉尔-375即将被乌拉尔-4320代替。
Ural-375. The most famous Russian truck 6x6 - YouTube
The amazing story of the most famous Russian army truck from prototypes to the present day.
Ural 375D - Weaponsystems.net
The Ural-375 is an early Cold War era tactical truck of Soviet origin. The Ural-375 has a 4.5 t payload capacity and fills the gap between the 3.5 t ZiL-131 and 7.5 t KrAZ-255. As a general purpose truck it was one of the most common and iconic Soviet vehicles.
Ural-375 Russian 6x6 General-Purpose Cargo Truck - United …
The Ural-375 is a general purpose 4.5 ton 6×6 truck, produced at the Ural Automotive Plant in the Russian SFSR since 1961. The Ural 375 replaced the ZIL-157 as the standard Soviet Army truck...
2022年3月2日 · 乌拉尔375型采用的是一台吉尔375YA型7升 V8汽油发动机,最大功率180马力,考虑到苏联寒冷的天气,还安装了确保冬季顺利启动的预热器。 搭配5前进挡1倒挡机械变速箱、二速分动箱、液压助力转向装置、气液制动系统。 该车型最初采用分时四驱,后改为实时全驱,并使用了非对称的轴间行星式差速器。 该车最高行车时速75公里,最大爬坡度60%,垂直越障高度0.8米,涉水深度1米,越野能力卓越。 乌拉尔375型于1979年停产,目前正在使用的大部分是 …
Ural-375 6x6 Wheeled Military Truck - Military Factory
2022年2月18日 · Detailing the technical specifications, development, and operational history of the Ural-375 6x6 Wheeled Military Truck including pictures. The global defense reference actively compiled since 2003 MENU
2022年11月21日 · Ural-375D 底盘用于 BM-21 Grad 122 毫米多管火箭炮系统。 自 1973 年以来,主要生产型由 ZiL-375 V8 柴油发动机提供动力,功率为 180 马力。 引入柴油动力装置是为了增加燃油的续航里程,并降低着火的风险。 车辆具有发动机预热器,非常适合在冬季运行。 尽管如此,汽油发动机版本直到 1991 年还在少量生产。 这种军用卡车有多种变体。 它们从多管火箭发射器运载工具到导弹补给车和燃料维修卡车不等。 专门的 TMS-65 是一种特殊的 NBC 净化车 …
Ural-375 (1960-1993) - Motor Car History
The Ural-375 ( Russian Урал-375 ) is a four-wheel drive Soviet truck in hood-type with the drive formula 6 × 6, which was made in Uralski Awtomobilny Sawod . It was widespread in the RGW area and located below the KrAZ-255 .
Ural 375 (Military vehicles) - Trucksplanet
Ural 375 has all-wheel-drive chassis, huge ground clearance, tire inflation system and winch. Part of the trucks of 1964 got an all-metal cabin. Later it was replaced by the updated version Ural 375D.