乌拉尔 5920——履带式雪地沼泽运输车 - 哔 ... - 哔哩哔哩
乌拉尔汽车厂生产的乌拉尔5920沼泽运输车增加了离地间隙,改进了履带式驾驶员和车架,还安装了一台kamaz-740柴油发动机,可产生210马力的动力装置。 从1976年到1980年,乌拉尔汽车厂承诺生产约8000辆履带式卡车。
Ural 5920 (Special vehicles) - Trucksplanet
The tracked transporter Ural 5920 is the uniq vehicle to transport goods by any kind of surface. It can work at temperatures from +40 to -50 degrees Celsius. Development started in 1970 based on NAMI-0157M prototype. The first prototypes of Ural 5920 were made in 1976. They successfully passed factory and government tests.
URAL 5920 - Russian Tracked Off-Road Transporter - YouTube
2021年11月13日 · Ural 5920 - Tracked snow and swamp transporter designed for transportation of goods on dirt roads, snowy roads, wetlands at ambient temperatures from plus 40 to minus 50 degrees Celsius. The...
一公里一升油 前苏联乌拉尔5920履带式运输车 - 搜狐
2019年2月15日 · 乌拉尔5920驾驶室来自乌拉尔4320长头卡车。 采用KamAZ 740 V8发动机,最大功率仅为210马力,最高车速也只有30Km/h,即便是这样,它在满载全车总重22.5吨的情况下油耗高达百公里100升!
The Ural 5920, a Soviet tracked transport vehicle designed for ... - Reddit
Powering the Ural 5920 is a 10.8 liter Kamaz-740 diesel engine with 207 horsepower and 470 LB-Ft of torque, which is quite a bit for a Soviet vehicle. This allows the 5920 to hit 30 kph, or 18.6 mph, on roads.
苏联十大全地形车 - AvtoTachki
2022年6月15日 · “Ural-5920”:毛毛虫雪地和沼泽运输车. 履带式履带上的大吨位全地形车。 与传统的履带式全地形车辆相比,该模型的区别在于存在的不是两个,而是四个橡胶金属履带,显着提高了车辆的机动性和机动性。
Ural-5920 - specifications, modifications, photos, videos, reviews
In order to develop the hard-to-reach oil fields of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, trucks with uncompromising cross-country ability were needed. As a separate option, it was possible to purchase such trucks from abroad, but the authorities insisted on creating their own “king of no roads”. The whole model range is Ural.
【UAZ-451S & Ural-5920 (TS-1)】 苏联瓦滋451s (有履带套件) 和 乌拉尔5920 …
Ural-5920( 型号NAMI-0157)建于 1971 年。 第一版五辆卡车于 1975 年制造。 1983 年至 1989 年生产了载重量为 8 吨的系列卡车,自 2002 年以来,生产通用底盘 TS-1。 UAZ-451S prototype was built in 1962. The basis was a light weight truck (4X2, 1 ton load capacity). Ural-5920 (NAMI-0157 prototype) built in 1971. The first limited edition (five trucks) was built in 1975.
Ural-5920 - Second Wiki
The transport vehicle ' "Ural-5920" is made for the transport of goods in territories within the Russian tundra. It is built by the Ural Automobile Plant (UralAZ).
Снегоболотоход Урал-5920 (Ural-5920 truck)
Четыре ведущих гусеничных движителя на резино-металлических лентах шириной 970 мм, позволяли развивать скорость до 30 км/ч. Машина преодолевала песчаное и болотистое бездорожье, снежные заносы и водные преграды глубиной до 1,8 м в любое время года.
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