Urdlen - Forgotten Realms Wiki
Urdlen (pronounced: /ˈɜːrdlɛn/ URD-len[1]), also known as the Crawler Below, was a chaotic evil gnome deity. It took the form of a white mole, blind, hairless, sexless, but with claws of steel. A mindless force of evil and destruction, Urdlen was the only evil gnome deity.
厄尔德连Urdlen | 龙与地下城 Wiki | Fandom
Urdlen (URD-len), a neuter and sexless being, is the epitome of the evil impulse that rules some gnomes and is feared by the rest. A mindless force of malicious evil and destruction, Urdlen serves as a warning for every gnome to beware the taint of greed that lies within the gnomish delight in gems and jewelry.
Urdlen, a D&D 5e deity | Gods and Deities | The Thieves Guild
Urdlen, a neutered and sexless being, is the epitome of the evil impulse that rules some gnomes and is feared by the rest. A mindless force of malicious evil and destruction, Urdlen serves as a warning for every gnome to beware the taint of greed that lies within the gnomish delight in …
Urdlen | Goodforgottenrealms Wiki - Fandom
Urdlen was a Gnomish deity of rats, moles, theft, death (later murder), and Spriggans. After a feud with several Gnomish gods he stole from and, in the fighting, attempted to kill, Garl Glittergold banished him from the Golden Hills down to the 399th layer of the Abyss, the Worm Realm, where he grew even more bloodthirsty.
Urdlen (MoMy) | Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition …
Urdlen is an outcast, an epitome of the evil impulse which somehow rules a few gnomes and is feared by the rest. It is telling that gnomes have no myths of how this evil arose, but they fear Urdlen's vicious, life-hating evil and bloodlust.
Urdlen | Forgotten Realms Cormyr Wiki | Fandom
The church of Urdlen is secretive in the extreme, a murderous cult within the communities it infiltrates or a lurking threat outside the margins of society. From their subterranean warrens, Urdlen’s clerics wage an unending war on communities of the Forgotten Folk, particularly the clergies of the other gnome deities.
Urdlen (Dungeons and Dragons) | Villains Wiki | Fandom
Urdlen, also known as the Crawler Below, is one of the gnome gods. It is the only evil gnome deity. Urdlen is the gnomish god of greed. Gnomes claim that he influences their life when greed takes them over.
Urdlen (5e) - Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
Urdlen, also known as the Crawler Below, was a chaotic evil gnome deity. It took the form of a white mole, blind, hairless, sexless, but with claws of steel. A mindless force of evil and destruction, Urdlen was the only evil gnome deity.
Urdlen - Greyhawk Wiki
Urdlen is the enemy of the gnomish and halfling pantheons. The hero-deity Roykyn was formerly a priestess of the Crawler Below. Urdlen's realm is the Worm Realm, located on the 399th layer of the Abyss. There, Urdlen tunnels through the ground, completely unconcerned with his petitioners, who dig in the tunnels he leaves behind.
Urdlen - Speex Realms Wiki
Urdlen is a despicable being that is as pitiful as it is evil. He is also a member of the Unseelie Court. Worshipers of Urdlen do so in secret, often stealing priceless pieces of art and destroying them or abducting creatures to slowly murder them.