13c urea and citric acid (oral route) - Mayo Clinic
2025年2月1日 · 13C urea and citric acid are medicines used in a diagnostic test called Exalenz BreathID® non-invasive breath test. It is a test that analyzes a breath sample before and after taking 13C-enriched urea to help diagnose patients with infections in the stomach caused by a bacteria called H. pylori.
尿素-13C(简介、性质、作用机制) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
尿素-13C是一种13c标记的 尿素分子,用于诊断由幽门螺杆菌引起的胃溃疡。 在幽门螺杆菌存在的情况下,尿素 C-13 被尿素酶代谢,在胃上皮和管腔之间的界面处产生氨和放射性二氧化碳,13c标记的尿素被血液吸收并在呼出时容易被检测。 尿素-13C理化性质. 中文名:尿素-13C. 英文名:Urea-13C; CAS号:58069-82-2. SMILES:C (=O) (N)NInchiInChI=1S/CH4N2O/c2-1 (3)4/h (H4,2,3,4)/i1+1. InchiKey:XSQUKJJJFZCRTK-OUBTZVSYSA-N. 分子式:H2N*CONH2. 分 …
Urea - Wikipedia
Urea, also called carbamide (because it is a diamide of carbonic acid), is an organic compound with chemical formula CO (NH2)2. This amide has two amino groups (– NH2) joined by a carbonyl functional group (–C (=O)–). It is thus the simplest amide of carbamic acid. [6]
尿素/肌酐(UREA/CREA)及临床意义 - 百度
2024年5月12日 · ★尿素(urea/bun):是人体蛋白质代谢的主要终末产物。 蛋白质分解代谢后,氨基酸脱氨基产生 NH3和 CO2,两者在肝脏中合成尿素,每1g蛋白质代谢产生 尿素/肌酐(UREA/CREA)及临床意义
Urea C-13 | CH4N2O | CID 636363 - PubChem
Urea 13C is a urea molecule radiolabelled with the non-radioactive element carbon-13. It is currently used for the Urea Breath Test (UBT) and is available as a rapid diagnostic test (marketed as Pranactin-Citric) for the detection of Helicobacter pylori infections.
Urea C-13: Uses, Interactions, Mechanism of Action - DrugBank …
2015年11月30日 · Urea C-13 is a diagnostic agent used for the detection of urease associated with Helicobacter pylori in the human stomach and initial diagnosis or post-treatment monitoring of Helicobacter pylori infection in adults. Urea 13C is a urea molecule radiolabelled with the non-radioactive element carbon-13.
尿素(Urea),又称脲、碳酰胺,化学式是CH 4 N 2 O或CO(NH 2) 2 ,是一种白色晶体,无味无臭,易溶于水、 乙醇 和苯,微溶于乙醚、氯仿。 尿素是最简单的有机化合物之一,是哺乳动物和某些鱼类体内蛋白质代谢分解的主要含氮终产物,可以用作化肥、动物饲料 ...
Urea C 13 - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
The 13 C-urea breath test [5] detecting gastric Helicobacter pylori infection is probably the best known, best standardised and most widely used breath test. 13 C-urea is hydrolysed by the bacterial urease activity to 13 C-labelled carbon dioxide and ammonia.
尿素C-14_Urea C-14-靶点_适应症: 幽门螺杆菌感染-临床_专利_批准
尿素c-14一种小分子药物,目前该药物最高研发阶段为批准上市,用于治疗幽门螺杆菌感染。 尿素C-14_Urea C-14-靶点_适应症: 幽门螺杆菌感染-临床_专利_批准
USP Monographs: Urea C 13 - Pharmacopeia.cn
Record the peak intensities at mass-to-charge ratios of 60, 61, 62, and 63. Calculate the percentage of carbon that is C 13 in the portion of Urea C 13 taken by the formula:
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