Retro Instruments 176 - Sound On Sound
Bill Putnam's 176 Valve Limiter, the predecessor of the ubiquituous UREI 1176LN, is among the most coveted and sought-after vintage compressors. It is rare these days even in its …
Retro Instruments: Retro 176 Limiting Amplifier - Tape Op
As a recreation, the Retro 176 is a variable-mu compressor/limiter that can be heard as an audio time machine. It will take you back to the original sound of the classic UA 176 and 175B.
带你了解那些传奇(贵的离谱的)压缩器01——Urei 1176(上)
2020年9月5日 · 诞生自Bill Putnam之手的1176可以看作是同样非常成功的UA 175B跟UA 176的改良版。 主要的改变是用当时的新发明——场效应管(FET, Field-Effect Transistor)来替 …
Urei / Universal Audio 1176 Compressor/Limiter - Vintage King
The Universal Audio 1176 Compressor/Limiter was first introduced in 1967, created by Bill Putnam Sr. as the solid state successor to his tube-based 176 limiting amplifier.
Universal Audio Model 176 Limiter - Reverb
Universal Audio Model 176 Limiter — Vintage Tube Limiter Tested, Fully Functional. All electrolytic capacitors replaced. All tubes tested and in excellent condition. XLR dongle …
UA 175-B & 176 Tube Compressor Collection Manual
2024年4月1日 · Based on a pair of UA's 1960s golden units, the UA 175-B and 176 Tube Compressor Collection gives you all the ultra-musical harmonics and colorful saturation of …
UREI / Universal Audio Schematics - Pair Networks
I just found the BL-40 manual on the JBL site, its buried in a directory and not linked, who knew. It is a more recent copy than what I have posted and includes newer and older schematics, mine …
压缩器专题06——FET压缩器代表:1176(下):特点、英国模式 …
2020年9月16日 · 经典的Urei 1176就更不用说了,一方面是年代久远,保养状况参差不齐,另一方面是状态好的基本上都是天价了。 这种情况下,模拟1176的插件自然是一个更经济的妥协方 …
Universal Audio 176 compressor - threshold points - GroupDIY …
2009年10月18日 · Referring to the UA 176, I understand that setting the RATIO equates to changing simultaneously DC and AC thresholds. The only reason for this would be to maintain …
Urei | Page 2 | GroupDIY Audio Forum
2011年8月17日 · huge 80 page doc with manuals, addendums, calibration info, service notes, schematics, and more for all (?) revisions with official Urei/JBL notices as late as 1989.