What are y'all's favorite URF Kench builds? : r/Tahmkenchmains
2020年10月3日 · URF Kench has +30% damage dealt, -30% damage taken, and +10% heals and shields. URF also increases the healing of all champs over time. Because of this, and the fact that the value of healing increases with tankiness, going full (drain) tank with a large healing focus is obscenely powerful, to the point you can dismantle their entire base solo without minions.
opinion on urf kench? : r/Tahmkenchmains - Reddit
2021年2月28日 · worst skin. horribly lazy. literally reuses the passive icon from master chef. so ugly and sickly colored. awkward blue.
Tahm Kench Urf is OP : r/Tahmkenchmains - Reddit
2020年5月17日 · So I’ve been playing urf lately because I find it fun, and I decided to try tahm kench in it. Little did I know is that he’s op in urf. He and demolish and squishy character. He has a slightly harder time 1v1ing tanks, but if he has help he’s fine. Also, playing tahm in urf is one way to get and easy S rank. I played 5 games with him and urf and got a S- or better every time.
Best skin? : r/Tahmkenchmains - Reddit
2022年8月22日 · I personally prefer default Kench over the skins but that’s just my own opinion. I think the consensus is that Arcana Kench is the most loved skin though.
If you were to list all Tahm kench skins, how would your list
2021年8月10日 · If you were to list all Tahm kench skins, how would your list look like? In my humble opinion: 1 - Master Chef Kench = Best colors, he throws up different types of food on ctrl1, he holds a fork and a knife when the passive is up and mustache. ( very good for a not epic skin ) 2 - Tahm Kench Arcana = Best design, Best Recall, Song of ctrl3 could be different, nice fire effects but he just ...
Tahm works in URF : r/Tahmkenchmains - Reddit
2020年6月11日 · Tahm actually works pretty well in URF. I have had mixed results, but they fall on a very acceptable range: not losing hard to licking butt (in a…
Which skin u like best? : r/Tahmkenchmains - Reddit
2021年8月26日 · Which skin u like best? Information/Request Closed • 1.4K total votes Original one Urf kench Arcana Tahm Kench Master Chef Tahm Kench Coin Emperor Tahm Kench Voting closed 3 years ago Add a Comment Sort by: Search Comments Hump4TrumpVERIFIED
How would you rank Tahm Kench's skins? : r/Tahmkenchmains
2021年9月5日 · Well it's entirely preference but as someone who is obsessed with skins and obsessed with Kench here is my personal tier list OG skin>Urf>Arcana>Coin>Master Chef, I'd say for a first skin to get if you are looking for a good skin thats kinda funny and fun definitely go for Urf or if you are looking for a more serious/cool skin Arcana is your ...
People build Tahm in URF Wrong to the point where he is listed
2022年5月27日 · People build Tahm in URF Wrong to the point where he is listed as a bad champion when actually he is pretty broken. So people go full tank, which given Tahm kit you would say Yeah makes sense. But here is the thing.
Are any of the Kench skin's worth it? : r/Tahmkenchmains - Reddit
I personally like URF more than Master Chef, master chef has no new animations other than B and stacking symbol (which URF Kench has as well), I just like the color scheme of URF more