URG-I - 枪炮世界
URG-I全称是 “改进型上机匣组(Upper Receiver Group, Improved)”,该项目是美国陆战特种作战司令部(USASOC)在2017年发起的一项对现役的SOPMOD II进行升级改造的招标计划。
GUNS Magazine Geissele Automatics URG-I - GUNS Magazine
An “Urgie” is an AR15 complete upper assembly available through Geissele Automatics and it’s also the latest evolution of the M4. The URG-I (Upper Receiver Group, Improved) resulted from a USASOC contract project (United States Army Special Operations Command; no more “SOCOM”) to develop an upgraded M4 for issue.
A Look at the Geissele Automatics URG-I - The Shooter's Log
2019年8月1日 · Let’s get straight to it: “URG-I” stands for “Upper Receiver Group — Improved.” It’s the “new” M4. The URG-I is available from Geissele Automatics (pronounced “guy-SUH-lee”) as a complete upper assembly (not a complete gun). The URG-I resulted from a United States Army Special Operations Command (USASOC, no more “SOCOM”) contract project.
URG-I Complete Upper, Near Clone, 14.5", 5.56mm
Designed to take the full rigors of the new M855A1 (AB57) ammunition, the USASOC URGI also takes full advantage of its capabilities. Once the USASOC URGI is installed on an existing system, it essentially makes for a brand new weapon. The USASOC URGI is a near-clone of the upper receiver group currently in service with USASOC.
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Army Special Forces Cannot Get Enough Of The Geissele Super …
2020年7月24日 · The uppers, known as Upper Receiver Group-Improved (URG-I) were reportedly destined for U.S. Army Rangers and Special Forces. The AR-15 pattern rifle, including the M-16A2, M4A1...
In The Wild: USAF SOF URG-I 10.3 CQBR – The Reptile House
2021年1月20日 · The URG-I is a USASOC contract upper with 14.5” barrel and 13.5” Geissele Mk16 SMR in DDC. There is also supposed to be an 11.5” barrel URG-I with 10.5” Mk16 SMR in use with USASOC; it has its own NSN. But I think I’m right in saying it’s yet to be 100% ID’d in open source pics.
This new upper receiver is the closest you can get to owning …
Thanks to Geissele Automatics of New Wales, Pennsylvania, civilian gun owners and firearms enthusiasts can now get their hands on an AR upper receiver worthy of US Army Special Operations Command.
2024年5月15日 · 政府轮廓枪管源于美国海军陆战队在M16A2项目中的技术失误。而它被用于URG-I项目,主要是因为Daniel Defense不生产中等长度导气系统的SOCOM轮廓14.5英寸枪管。政府轮廓的一个显著特征是导气口前的部分比后部更粗,这与SOCOM轮廓恰好相反。
Geissele URGI: The new Army Special Forces Rifle. - TheGunZone
2024年9月30日 · We’re discussing the Yankee Hill Machine Company (YHM) URG I, also known as the "You Are GI", which stands for Upper Receiver Group Improved. This upper receiver group was adopted by the United States Army Special Operations Command.
MK16 URG-I Complete Upper Receivers 5.56MM Review
2025年1月18日 · The MK16 URG-I Complete Upper Receiver in 5.56mm is a highly sought-after component for AR-15 enthusiasts, and for good reason. Its reputation for quality, precision, and robust construction precedes it.