URG-86 : Czech Republic / Czechoslovakia (CZE)
Universal hand grenade vz. 86 (URG-86) It is an offensive and defensive hand grenade designed to increase the striking force of a soldier in combat in open terrain, trenches, shelters, etc. The …
URG-86 – Wikipedie
URG-86 je univerzální ruční granát, určený především proti živé síle nepřítele.
URG-86 Hand Grenade - CAT-UXO
The URG-86-SK is an inert filled hand-grenade with an inert fuze. The manufacturing of these hand-grenades takes place in the Czech company ZEVETA Bojkovice and the VOP Nováky in …
Special Ammunition – ZEVETA Bojkovice a.s.
A controlled fragmentation of the grenade body results in an increased shrapnel effect. It contains a fuse, which, by moving a lever, allows the choice between a time-delay function or impact …
CZK - URG-86 : Česká republika / Československo (CZE)
Je útočný aj obraný ručný granát určený k zvýšeniu údernej sily vojaka v boji vo voľnom teréne, zákopoch, úkrytoch a pod. Zapaľovač sa aktivuje v okamihu vypustenia z ruky pri hádzaní. …
Czech URG 86-Sk Hand Grenade - YouTube
Video of and overview of the Czech URG 86-Sk hand grenade. This one is inert, for training purposes only. It's still fun to play with.
Czech URG 86-SK inert training grenade - theakarmory.com
The URG-86 is a universal hand grenade that combines both timed and impact fuze functions. Both are activated 1.2 seconds after the safety lever is released as the grenade is thrown. …
Československá lidová armáda - ZBRANĚ - URG 86 - csla.cz
Klub vojenské historie Československé lidové armády sdružuje zájemce a sympatizanty, kteří se naší armádou zabývají ať již z pohledu sběratelského, historického nebo restaurací a …
Original Czech Republic Rare INERT URG-86 Universal Defensive ...
The main charge is 42 g of an unspecified high explosive. A training version filled with an inert material but with a fully functioning fuze assembly is known as the URG-86-Rd. There is also …
Munition, grenade, URG-86 | Fenix Insight
The URG-86 is a Czech defensive/fragmentation hand grenade, that can operate on time or impact function. The URG acronym is short for 'Univerzální Ruční Granát', quite literally (lit.) …