14.5" URGI Loadout - Help – T.REX ARMS
If you have a bipod that is sometimes on/ off your gun, try getting some reps deploying and stowing the bipod as well as shooting off a bag. This Nightforce ATACR is a pricey optic but flat-out performs.
URG-I - 枪炮世界
URG-I全称是 “改进型上机匣组(Upper Receiver Group, Improved)”,该项目是美国陆战特种作战司令部(USASOC)在2017年发起的一项对现役的 SOPMOD II 进行升级改造的招标计划。 该项目的出现,一方面是因为近些年来不再流行四面导轨的护木设计(详见我发表在其他平台的文章 《皮卡汀尼导轨与两种后来竞争者》),有一些士兵或单位会自己购置其他护木去更换丹尼尔防务公司(DD)的护木,如 TORY 的ALPHA,或Geissele的SMR MK4等等。 因此USASOC干脆 …
With the advent of the USASOC URGI, that quintessentially American silhouette has changed forever. The Geissele Super Modular Rail MK16 handguard, hammer forged barrel, and mid-length gas system work in concert for a package that …
真冰的urgi配置(..NGAL放在护目中段,护目前端2点和11点方向分别是控制镭射和手电的鼠尾(和镇楼图类似)。 NGAL正下方是装在护木3点钟方向的surefire m600手电,用夹具把手电下移到5点方向(和镇楼图类似)
2024年3月28日 · 浅谈urgi还原注意事项及配件搭配. 政策调整原因,请勿发布水弹枪内容的讨论、交易。 违规可能导致禁言,希望理解。
Such is the case with the Geissele URGI, a near or actual copy of the new USSOCOM (United States Special Operations Command) improved upper. Police carbines need to be strong, reliable, simple, and accurate without compromising reliability.
油管博主Redacted Gear的URGI配置分析(21-23年) - 哔哩哔哩
整理搬运视频时发现,油管博主Redacted Gear,在他的频道中上传了许多,关于自己自组的URGI的视频,从21年到23年,不断更新其配置,于是打算简单讲一下在此期间,他在枪上使用过的一些配件,如果有说错的地方,欢迎大家指正和讨论。
Geissele URGi With a MK5 3.6-18 : r/ar15 - Reddit
2022年10月9日 · Running some cheap Harris bipod knock off that has been really tough. Very nice — so similar to mine. Love the higher magnification on 14.5” Very nice setup. And happy to see someone else using a MK5 3.6-18 on 5.56! I’ve been on backorder for a badger mount for a month now but I’ll have mine on a LWRC Di 16”
SDGun电玩讨论区urgi爱好者进!浅谈urgi还原注意事项及配件搭 …
2024年5月16日 · URGI全称是 “改进型上机匣组(Upper Receiver Group-Improved)”,该项目是美国陆战特种作战司令部(USASOC)在2017年发起的一项对现役的sopmod II进行升级改造 …
Suggestion for accessories : r/URGI - Reddit
2023年5月6日 · SCAR 17: optic, bipod, and foregrip. 590A1: side saddle and flashlight. URGI build: foregrip (something to make the hand guard fill up my hang) Sling and weapon light all around. Don’t know what you intend to use them for, so I won’t comment on anything else.