Pre-debit Notification - Best Trade Solution
2012年2月9日 · reimbursing bank has 3 days( as per URR) and additional 3 days as per LC conditions(pre debit) claiming bank cannot claim delay after 3 days. PAYMENT ON HOLD - between reimbursing bank and issuing bank. But claiming bank should understand the expected time of payment basis the LC PDA condition. Thanks & Regards Dinesh Kumar
Difference Between UCP600 Article 13 and URR 725
2011年10月15日 · URR 725 was written due to deficiency of article 13 when applied to more complicated issue. It is more detailed brochure arranging bank to bank reimbursements. It comprises shortly; * all definitions, * liabilities and responsibilities of all parts; * forms of reimbursement authorizations, amendments and claims * maturities, amendments ...
Meaning Of Back Value Date In URR725 - Best Trade Solution
2012年12月22日 · Art 11b under urr 725 stated that a RB will not precess a request for back value (valur dating prior to the date of a reimbursment claim) from the claiming bank. Any one can explain me the meaning of back value of this article. Cooperation appreciated. Saeef ahmed
Why Pre Debit Notification Must Be Stated In The Credit And Not …
2017年1月20日 · Now please go through URR 725 Sub-article 7(f) which states as follows---Quote f. Any requirement for: i. pre-notification of a reimbursement claim to the issuing bank must be included in the credit and not in the reimbursement authorization. ii. pre-debit notification to the issuing bank must be indicated in the credit. Unquote
Article 7 and 8 of UCP 600 - Best Trade Solution
2011年2月25日 · This is assured by making the L/C subject to UCPURR latest version, as I refer to URR 725. Knowing that getting said undertaking is another cost burden. Hope to learn more from other contributions. Amr
Irrevocable Reimbursement Undertaking - Best Trade Solution
2015年6月4日 · As per article 1 of URR 725: In a bank-to-bank reimbursement subject to these rules, the reimbursing bank acts on the instructions and under the authority of the issuing bank Furthermore, art 2 states that:
In Confirm LC Draft Should Be Drawn On Which Bank
2014年8月17日 · 2-if the credit is available by negotiation of course with a nominated bank other than the issuing bank as issuing bank doesn't negotiate, the daft practically will be drawn on a party other than the nominated bank in practice it could be the issuing bank or any bank that holds accounts of the issuing bank like reimbursing bank and URR 725 ...
Reimbursement - Best Trade Solution
2011年9月19日 · According to article 2 (b) of URR-725: b. "Reimbursing bank" means the bank instructed or authorized to provide reimbursement pursuant to a reimbursement authorization issued by the issuing bank .
CDCS 2018 - Best Trade Solution
2018年1月15日 · I am attending too. I want to practise tests and books in soft copy Can anyone please provide soft copy of UCP600,ISBP745,URR 725,ISP 98 and eUCP. Does Anyone have? Please send on my email id- [email protected] Thanks in advance. Regards, Jignesh
CDCS practice test 5 - Best Trade Solution
2008年10月28日 · 21. Which of the following statement is false with respect to URR 525? a) Unless otherwise it has issued a reimbursement undertaking a reimbursing bank is not obligated to honor a reimbursement claim. b) When a bank is not prepared to act in accordance with the reimbursement authorization it should advise the issuing bank without delay.