Fair Use (FAQ) | U.S. Copyright Office
There may be situations in which the reproduction of a photograph may be a “fair use” under the copyright law. Information about fair use may be found at Fair Use Index. However, even if a person determines a use to be a “fair use” under the factors of section 107 of the Copyright Act, a copy shop or other third party need not accept ...
17 U.S. Code § 107 - Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair use
1976年4月30日 · The doctrine of fair use applies to library photocopying, and nothing contained in section 108 “in any way affects the right of fair use.” No provision of section 108 is intended to take away any rights existing under the fair use doctrine. To the contrary, section 108 authorizes certain photocopying practices which may not qualify as a ...
Photographs and Images: What is Fair Use? - University of New …
2020年5月5日 · Fair use allows copying of copyrighted material in an educational setting, such as a teacher or a student using images in the classroom. Fair use is flexible concept and can be open to interpretation in certain cases.
U.S. Copyright Office Fair Use Index
The Fair Use Index tracks a variety of judicial decisions to help both lawyers and non-lawyers better understand the types of uses courts have previously determined to be fair—or not fair. The decisions span multiple federal jurisdictions, including the U.S. Supreme Court, circuit courts of appeal, and district courts.
Copyright & Fair Use - Images - LibGuides at Ohio Wesleyan …
2024年6月25日 · Images are subject to the laws of copyright and intellectual property. Before using a copyrighted image, you must determine if you can claim that your use falls under the Fair Use guidelines, explained below. If it does not, you will need to pay to use the image or find a different image that is copyright-free.
What is Fair Use and When Does it Apply to My Images?
2018年12月24日 · What makes someone’s use of an image “fair use”? The goal of Section 107 and the fair use doctrine is to benefit society. The use of copyrighted work and the limitation of the rights of the copyright holder are considered to be of public benefit.
LibGuides: Finding Images: Copyright and Fair Use
2024年3月4日 · Fair Use - Most teaching- and paper-writing uses of images fall under the famous “fair use” provision (single use for scholarly purposes). Basically, fair use allows academics to use even copyrighted materials a single time to a limited …
Using Images - Copyright - Research Guides at New York University
2025年1月30日 · The image is copyrighted, but re-use qualifies as Fair Use. In the context of using images on a website, you have a stronger Fair Use argument if you are directly commenting on or critiquing the image, or if you are using the image in a way that is transformative.
Fair Use and Copyright: Examples for Use of Images
2024年9月26日 · Fair use: No. Possible alternative: Professor Jones could substitute an image with an open license that would illustrate the effect on air quality in Moscow of the wildfires. To search for an open-licensed image, she could use Wikimedia Commons, Flickr Creative Commons, or an advanced Google Image Search.
Fair Use of Images - Intellectual Property: Copyright, Trademark ...
2024年9月25日 · This Statement on the Fair Use of Images for Teaching, Research, and Study describes six uses of copyrighted still images that the Visual Resources Association (www.vraweb.org) believes fall within the U.S. doctrine of fair use. The following six uses are: Use of images for in-class use.