Joint Direct Attack Munition - Wikipedia
The Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) is a guidance kit that converts unguided bombs, or "dumb bombs", into all-weather precision-guided munitions (PGMs). JDAM-equipped bombs …
联合制导攻击武器(英文:Joint Direct Attack Munition,缩写:JDAM,中文音译:杰达姆),是为适应美国空军和海军发展要求而研制的常规精确制导炸弹套件,由美军现存的普通常规炸弹 …
聯合直接攻擊彈藥 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
聯合直接攻擊彈藥 (英文: Joint Direct Attack Munition,簡稱 JDAM),是由 波音公司 為 美國海軍 和 空軍 聯合開發的一種 空投炸彈 配件,裝在由 飛機 施放的傳統 炸彈 上,將本來無控 …
Joint Direct Attack Munition GBU- 31/32/38 - U.S. Air Force
JDAM enables employment of accurate air-to-surface weapons against high priority fixed and relocatable targets from fighter and bomber aircraft. Guidance is facilitated through a tail …
Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) - United States Navy
2021年10月4日 · JDAM is a guidance kit that converts existing unguided bombs into precision-guided "smart" munitions. JDAM improves the accuracy of unguided bombs in any weather …
Joint Direct Attack Munition JDAM - Military.com
JDAM is a joint U.S. Air Force and Department of Navy program. JDAM is a guided air-to-surface weapon that uses either the 2,000-pound BLU-109/MK 84, the 1,000-pound BLU-110/MK 83 …
Joint direct attack munition-extended range (JDAM-ER) US
2023年3月27日 · Joint Direct Attack Munition-Extended Range (JDAM-ER) is the latest winged variant of the Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) precision bomb guidance kit produced by …
Designated Acquisition CategoryIC, this program upgrades the existing inventory of general purpose bombs (MK-84, BLU-109, MK-82 and MK-83) by integrating the bombs with a field …
Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) History - GlobalSecurity.org
The JDAM program is a joint-service program with USAF as the lead, executive service and USN as the participating service. Naval Air Systems Command, Program Manager for Conventional …
GBU-31/32 Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAM)
Developed by Boeing for the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy, the Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) guidance tail kit converts unguided, free-fall "dumb" bombs into accurate, all-weather …