Get Connected with Voice over Internet: Free Internet Calls and more! - USR
Call the world for free with the USRobotics USB Internet Phone, Mini Phone, Speakerphone, or Telephone Adapter. With Skype™, a free piece of software that allows people around the world to talk for free, and USRobotics’ Skype-certified products, users no longer need to worry about the cost of long distance phone calls or the amount of time ...
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USR5637 product support downloads
64 Bit Driver for Windows XP, 2003, Vista, 2008, Win 7, Win 8, Server 2011, Server 2012, Win 10‡, Server 2012 R2, Server 2016, and Server 2019. Download the USR5637Voice64bit.EXE file to a temporary location on your computer's hard drive. Double-click the file in Windows Explorer and follow the on-screen instructions.
- [PDF]
USB Internet Phone
To use the USRobotics USB Internet Phone and Skype™ Internet telephony service, your computer system and environment must meet the following minimum requirements:
1 产品简介-USR-S100 4G
USR-S100系列数据棒是面向光伏新能源领域推出的一系列不同通信制式的无线数传终端。 其中4G数据棒可以轻松实现光伏逆变器的远程监控,通过光伏运维平台或小程序等方式,随时随地为用户提供精准全面的数据展示和及时有效的运行状态。 数据棒可应用于分布式光伏监控解决系统(含工商业光伏电站、户用光伏/储能)中。 该系列产品均支持三大运营商4G Cat-1网络接入,延迟低、覆盖广、网络稳定性高;采用工业设计标准,接口安装便捷,即插即用。 该文档提供了4G …
USR5637 - 56K USB Controller Dial-up External Faxmodem with …
Take calls while online without dropping your Internet connection — there's no need for a second phone line
1 产品概述-USR-M100
1 产品概述-USR-DR185
本产品是有人推出的一款极致小体积的口红路由器,它不仅具备高速率、低时延的联网能力, 同时具备体积小巧、超高性价比的特性,为客户提供稳定的联网部署解决方案的前提下实现降本增效。 新升级版支持有人 DM 异地组网功能,可替代 APN 专网卡以及 VPN 方案实现远程访问摄像头、远程配置 PLC 和工控机、远程给 PLC 下载程序、远程给工控机或 PLC 下载文件或程序、远程给终端升级等。 它帮助企业客户实现高效的大规模网络部署和管理,非常适合M2M和工业物联网 …
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