Was USSJ Trunks stronger than Gohan SSJ2? : r/dragonball - Reddit
2020年9月22日 · Remember that the raw power USSJ Trunks is stated to be beyond the raw power of (suppressed) Perfect Cell, who already dwarfes Semi-Perfect Cell. USSJ Trunks can probably take 100 hits from SP-Cell just to land 1 hit. And that 1 hit would leave SP-Cell roasted.
USSJ superior to ASSJ : r/dbz - Reddit
2014年10月20日 · USSJ makes Trunks too slow, they flat out say so in the fight. Cell specifically mentions to Trunks after their fight that USSJ is useless because it prioritizes strength over speed. This means that speed isn't diminished from the previous form, but that it simply doesn't get radical changes along with power.
Vegeta and Trunks in the cell saga : r/dbz - Reddit
2014年11月7日 · Trunks was definitely physically stronger and (I might be remembering wrong) but power level wise as well due to Trunks continuing to pursue USSJ while Vegeta stopped, which i did mention btw. I also said that Vegeta could …
Why was ASSJ Trunks unable to stop Imperfect Cell. : r/dbz - Reddit
2014年9月3日 · Trunks wasn't fighting Imperfect Cell in USSJ. There are two grades. Grade 2(ASSJ) was the form that Vegeta was using against Cell. It falls in-between SSJ & USSJ. Grade 3(USSJ) is the form that slows you down. When Trunks fights Imperfect Cell, he powers up to ASSJ(Grade 2), which increases the muscles slightly..
Was Trunks buff super saiyan really stronger than Cell?
2023年2月8日 · Later on, Cell himself showed Trunks his own ultra buff state which made Trunks just give up right there. As for Goku and Gohan's Mastered aka Grade 4 SS forms - I think as they were training in SS grade 1, they got so comfortable in it that they eventually minimized (wouldn't say Neutralized) the Ki and extra Saiyan aggression drawbacks ...
vegeta vs trunks : r/dbz - Reddit
2014年2月27日 · How much faster was Cell than Trunks is the question? Trunks was as powerful (or more powerful) than Perfect Cell. This small gap in power gave Cell an advantage with speed. Vegeta couldnt hurt Cell with regular attacks. Vegeta's full power kick to Cell's head did nothing. Would Vegeta be able to hurt USSJ Trunks with such a huge difference in ...
Is Ultra Super Saiyan as strong as Super saiyan 2? : r/dbz - Reddit
Also, the reason Gohan beat Cell so easily while Trunks didn't is because Gohan was already a lot stronger than Trunks overall. Trunks was also fighting Cell at a much lower level of power, too. Goku and Gohan became so strong from mastering Super Saiyan and then training with it that they leapfrogged Vegeta and Trunks in power even with ...
At the Cell Games, FPSSJ Goku, FPSSJ Gohan, USSJ Trunks and
I believe Vegeta/Trunks were inspired from Goku/Gohan's results and philosophy of mastering SS1 that they attempted to do the same when they entered the time chamber for the 2nd time, but obviously didn't quite have the same results. After all, Vegeta/Trunks completely discarded the Grade 2/3 states during the Cell Games.
Do you think Trunks in his ultra SSJ form could have beaten
2014年3月13日 · Also, Trunks was amazed by Gohans power as well as his speed. As for if USSJ Trunks could have beaten perfect Cell if he had speed is another matter. He probably could have, and wouldn't have hesitated as Gohan did due to his traumatic past.
In terms of sheer power, was ascended Trunks as powerful as
2016年4月6日 · Yes. Trunks already surpassed Cell during their fight when he became more bulky than his dad. Cell even said that Trunks's power was higher than his own. Trunks was stronger than Cell at the time but the only problem he had was his muscle mass and the output of power. He didn't have decent stamina in that form and he lost his speed.