Bonedancer BD group specs - PostCount.Net
2018年6月21日 · Hi all, Wondering what is the preferred BD spec for group (8) in the typical mid hybrid spirit train (RM, SM, BD)?
DF Diamond seals - PostCount.Net
2015年4月27日 · Join Date Mar 2014 Posts 88 Likes (Given) 15 Likes (Received) 3 Mentioned 9 Post(s) Tagged 0 Thread(s)
WTB MID [Uthgard money-items on Midgard] - postcount.net
2023年7月27日 · Hey guys all in the title. Im looking for your old midgard stuff! Plats, items, Rog, jewels, weapons, all in the title!
Seeking old Pellinor player(s) - PostCount.Net
2015年10月30日 · I came back for a few months last year and tried out the current game, I wasn't impressed. I don't think I'd be interested in playing on Uthgard, and I know I wouldn't be …
Solo warrior sword or hammer - postcount.net
2015年9月26日 · So i just switched from sword to hammer on my leirvik warrior. gotta say i love hammer so much more. my skald is hammer so i wanted to do sword, but i feel the hammer …
How HARD Is Valewalker To Play?? - PostCount.Net
2014年5月25日 · Valewalkers MUST kite if you want to get the maximum results from being one. They have Disease, stuns and a frontal snare that makes getting distance pretty easy against …
Does piety increase the amount a paladin can heal for?
2016年11月20日 · Join Date Jul 2012 Posts 1,051 Likes (Given) 101 Likes (Received) 100 Mentioned 63 Post(s) Tagged 0 Thread(s)
Iso Fading Leaf Aka Miwi. - postcount.net
2016年5月26日 · got my uthgard launcher working nightshade is 20 warden 25 inbox me. 05-25-2016, 10:49 PM #2. Digitalhax.
Thane spec - PostCount.Net
Easiest spec for a returning player will be... 50 Stormcalling, 42 shield, 39 hammer, 6 parry Gives you anytime stun, good anytime with hammer, good reactional with lambast.
sorc template - PostCount.Net
2017年4月26日 · Hi basically posting this to see if anyone can improve it specially the SC ty. - ps I don't use an up to date sc calc so find it easier in game yep.