Biotin-16-UTP (Synonyms: Biotin-16-UTP tetralithium) - MCE-生物 …
Biotin-16-UTP 是 RNA 聚合酶的活性底物。 Biotin-16-UTP 可在体外转录反应中取代 UTP 进行 RNA 标记。 * Please select Quantity before adding items. Biotin-16-UTP is an active substrate for RNA polymerase. Biotin-16-UTP can replace UTP in the in vitro transcription reaction for RNA labeling [1]. Guidelines (Following is our recommended protocol.
碧云天生物技术-Biotin-16-UTP (10mM, Nuclease free)(生物素-16 …
Biotin-16-UTP在大多数情况下可以取代UTP作为各种RNA合成酶、修饰酶、聚合酶,包括T3、T7或SP6 RNA聚合酶等的底物,对RNA实现Biotin标记。 生物素标记的RNA探针可在许多应用中取代放射性标记RNA探针,包括原位杂交和染色体定位等。 生物素化探针可以使用基于链霉亲和素结合的多种方法进行检测,如可以使用荧光标记的链霉亲和素直接检测标记RNA;也可以使用链霉亲和素偶联HRP或碱性磷酸酶或链霉亲和素偶联抗体间接检测标记的RNA。 -20ºC保存,至少两 …
Thickness-dependent electronic band structure in MBE-grown …
2022年10月3日 · The band gap of the InTe was found to be equal to 2.1 eV for the single tetralayer and tends to reduce its size with thickness. The band structure calculations revealed a large spin splitting of the InTe single tetralayer lower conduction band with exclusive out-of-plane spin polarization.
InTe was found to be equal to 2.1 eV for the single tetralayer and tends to reduce its size with thickness. The band structure calculations revealed a large spin splitting of the InTe single tetralayer lower conduction band
Crystal Structure, Electronic Transport, and Improved …
2023年10月18日 · The electronic structure of InTe is calculated using the TB-mBJ method within density functional theory, and a band gap of 0.16 eV is obtained. Based on the electronic structures, Boltzmann transport theory is applied to calculate the electrical transport properties, and their excellent agreement with the experimental data verifies the ...
Enhancement of the thermoelectric performance of InTe via …
2020年1月15日 · The pristine InTe has ultralow lattice thermal conductivity in comparison with other binary Te-based compounds due to the presence of strongly anharmonic phonon scattering. The band gap of InTe is narrowed and the carrier concentration increases due to the substitution of Cd for In, leading to enhanced electrical conductivity.
mp-20320: InTe (tetragonal, I4/mcm, 140) - material
InTe is I4/mcm structured and crystallizes in the tetragonal I4/mcm space group. The structure is three-dimensional. there are two inequivalent In2+ sites. In the first In2+ site, In2+ is bonded in a 8-coordinate geometry to eight equivalent Te2- atoms.
mp-2597: InTe (cubic, Fm-3m, 225) - material
InTe is Halite, Rock Salt structured and crystallizes in the cubic Fm-3m space group. The structure is three-dimensional. In2+ is bonded to six equivalent Te2- atoms to form a mixture of edge and corner-sharing InTe6 octahedra.
InTe (I) (InTe) Crystal Structure - SpringerMaterials
Explore the - crystalline lattice structure of InTe with lattice parameters, 3d interactive image of unit cell, cif file, lattice constants & more.
碲化铟 (II'):InTe(II) 到 InTe(I) 转变过程中的过渡中间相,Science
碲化铟的高压立方金属形式 InTe (II) 在 1 个大气压下转变为新的暂时多晶型物,称为 InTe (II'),后者又转变为稳定的四方多晶型物 InTe (I)。 新的多晶型显然是四方的,晶胞尺寸 a0 = 6.06 , c0 = 6.55 。 InTe (II) 到 InTe (II') 和 InTe (II') 到 InTe (I) 的转化率取决于时间和温度;前者在60℃以上很快,后者在125℃以上很快。 碲化铟的高压立方金属形式 InTe (II) 在 1 个大气压下转变为新的暂时多晶型物,称为 InTe (II'),后者又转变为稳定的四方多晶型物 InTe (I)。 新的多晶型显然是 …