What is the best way to download a "recent" UTXO set snapshot?
2017年5月29日 · A agrees. You see, whoever needs to use this UTXO set needs to verify it for himself. It still comes back to that Byzantine Generals problem which blockchain solved. I honestly think for it to work, it has to run on its own separate blockchain so that UTXO set miners can mine it for some kind of financial gain.
Newest 'utxo' Questions - Bitcoin Stack Exchange
Suppose A spends a UTXO of 5 BTC. The transaction is sent to the mempool. Will the 5 BTC UTXO be instantly deleted from the UTXO set? If no, can this UTXO still in the UTXO set be used to make another ...
How big is the UTXO database? - Bitcoin Stack Exchange
2015年2月10日 · Bitcoin Core provides the gettxoutsetinfo RPC that has exactly the information you want. Note, it takes that call up to a minute or two to run (and maybe longer as the UTXO set keeps growing).
What are the trade-offs between the different algorithms for …
When a UTXO is randomly selected, add all other UTXOs associated with the same address as well: less linking of transactions improves privacy, potentially consolidates UTXOs into fewer. Instead of selecting the smallest change, one could aim to create a change of the same size as the spending target.
What is an "unspent output"? - Bitcoin Stack Exchange
2023年10月30日 · Each UTXO is uniquely identified by its outpoint, the combination of the transaction that created it and its position in the transaction's list of outputs. Incidentally, "addresses" are proxies for the locking script the receiver must fulfill to spend the funds later and sending to the same address multiple times will create separate UTXOs.
transactions - How to find utxo? - Bitcoin Stack Exchange
2014年6月2日 · GREAT question. This is exactly the kind of details the BITS don't think are important and most do not understand themselves. bitcoin.org labelled bitcoin core as experimental. If the UTXO pool ever got out of sync with with the ledger even if just one SAT there is no central authority to initiate a recovery. –
UTXO model vs. account/balance model - Bitcoin Stack Exchange
2022年8月3日 · In UTXO model, each transaction spends output from previous transactions and creates new output that can be spent by transactions later on operated by full nodes. Your wallet maintains a list of UTXOs associated with all addresses owned by the user, and the balance of the wallet is calculated as the sum of these unspent transactions.
Is the UTXO set size important for non-mining full nodes?
2018年5月24日 · If the growth of the UTXO set size was left unchecked, the growth will outstrip the hardware capability of common household computing devices. Even now, it is infeasible to run a Bitcoin node on a mobile phone, but it is a goal nevertheless to be able to run a Bitcoin full node in most if not all computing devices, so the barriers of entry are ...
How long does it take to find a UTXO in UTXOs set?
2019年10月26日 · It is impossible to answer this accurately without knowing details such as the hardware the miner is using, their utxo storage method, and their validation process. However, in general, the utxo set can be stored as a list keyed by the utxo identifier (txid:vout). This provides O(1), or constant, look up complexity for a single utxo.
utxo - How is a wallet's balance computed? - Bitcoin Stack Exchange
The UTXO is much smaller than the entire blockchain (about 15% of total blockchain right now and that will shrink over time). It may not be immediately obvious but the number of Bitcoins in the UTXO is always equal to the number of mined Bitcoins. Unconfirmed transactions are not part of the blockchain (or UTXO).