Uuz - Mutton Back - Mongolian Recipes
Uuz - Ууз. Mutton Back, stewed in one piece. A well fed sheep will collect a large amount of fat in the lower back and in the tail as an energy reserve, as is easily recognizable as a "fat bottom" on the animal. This fat is the core component of the speciality described here.
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uu-z (uuz) · GitHub
Official implementation of IoTeX blockchain protocol in Go. An ultra-efficient EVM blockchain offering 1000 TPS with instant 1-block finality. Perfect for DeFi, DePIN tokenomics, Identities, …
batonius/uuz: Fast and small unzip written in x86-64 asm - GitHub
uuz-c is 1.3 faster than unzip, with both gcc and clang, if I ignore the bizarre Micro-SD performance lags. Note: the comparison with unzip is just for scale, in no way the functionality is comparable.
[FXTZ]幽幽子常用/实用连段大集合 - 哔哩哔哩
关于西行寺幽幽子的手办衣着形象讨论 - 哔哩哔哩
Dec 17, 2024 · 简单来说就是左衽和右衽的这个区分概念。 我也是第一次了解到这个概念,在网上简单搜了一下. 所以说这个手办其实确实违反了一设形象,uuz原本就是穿的右衽,但手办做的是左衽,这位路人歪打正着说对了。 也可见zun其实并没有因为uuz是亡灵而专门给她画成左衽。 差不多就是这样。 更多其他的作品则没有调查,欢迎大伙补充。
幽幽子美图合集(第二弹)【人气投票应援】 - 哔哩哔哩
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Regor (Earth-Two) | DC Database | Fandom
Regor is an Earthling who was raised on Uuz and has several similarities to Superman's history. Scientist James Flint was on Barrios Island with his wife and son when it had a volcanic eruption. Flint used a rocket to save his son, very similar to what Jor-L had done on Krypton.
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