UVG 2E: Ultraviolet Grasslands and the Black City - Itch.io
Welcome to The Ultraviolet Grasslands, the roleplaying game of heroes on a strange trip through mythic steppes in search of lost time, broken space, and deep riffs. Half setting, half adventure, and half epic trip; inspired by psychedelic heavy metal, the Dying Earth genre, and classic Oregon Trail games. For the hardcover, visit Exalted Funeral.
- 评论数: 15
The Ultraviolet Grasslands by Exalted Funeral — Kickstarter
2020年9月9日 · The Ultraviolet Grasslands (UVG) trpg is a rules-light psychedelic metal trip to the Black City on the edge of space and time. Order the Softcover print! 2,066 backers pledged $108,793 to help bring this project to life. Exalted Funeral is raising funds for The Ultraviolet Grasslands on Kickstarter!
UVG BOOKS - Facebook
El grupo específicamente es para la venta, compra o alquiler de algún libro de texto que se necesite para cualquier curso de la universidad UVG, esperamos que este grupo sea útil para ustedes y nos ayude a todos un poco! PROCEDIMIENTO: 1.
Reflections on Completing the Ultraviolet Grasslands
2020年5月20日 · By late April 2020, eight hard months late in the teeth of pandemic, the UVG books—my UVG books—were going out. Were meeting their new owners. And I was able to feel joy when I saw that.
UVG Free Player Guide 2.0 - Wizard Thief Fighter
2020年10月9日 · The player's guide to the award-winning Ultraviolet Grasslands is revamped, cleaned up, and as mind-bent as before. It's now available in full 70-page glory on itch.io and drivethrurpg.com for your gaming pleasure. The UVG Free Guide on Itch. And UVG Free on Drivethru. What's new in
UVG (2e) Ultraviolet Grasslands and the Black City
Ultraviolet Grasslands and the Black City (UVG) is a fantascience roleplaying adventure setting designed to take players on a long strange trip across a mythic steppe filled with remnants of space and time and distorted riffs. It is inspired by psychedelic heavy metal, the Dying Earth genre and Oregon Trail games. Made
UVG 1E: Free Player Guide by Wizardthieffighter - Itch.io
Welcome to the shortened 70-page free introduction, the player’s guide to the Ultraviolet Grasslands (UVG): a rules-light rpg pointcrawl module inspired by psychedelic heavy metal, the Dying Earth genre, and Oregon Trail games.
- 评论数: 35
So, how do I actually use Ultraviolet Grasslands? : r/osr - Reddit
2021年6月7日 · I had a false start running UVG, a bit like how you have described. I just read the book, dumped my players at the Violet City with a need to make some money, and gave them a few hooks for some methods to do so.
UVG 2E – Exalted Funeral
Revel in the return The Ultraviolent Grasslands with the highly anticipated UVG 2E, now dazzling with fresh cover art that teases countless otherworldly adventures. This epic journey has expanded - from the previous 200 pages to a robust 250, infused with larger and more evocative art to enliven your psychedelic metal quests.
- 评论数: 26
UVG 2E - Monkey's Paw Games
The Ultraviolet Grasslands and the Black City is a tabletop role-playing game book, half setting, half adventure, and half epic trip; inspired by psychedelic heavy metal, the Dying Earth genre, and classic Oregon Trail games.