Uwagi - Wikipedia
Outside of Japan, an uwagi (上着/上衣) means a kimono -like jacket worn in Japan. It is believed as most familiar as the top half of a martial arts uniform. The third element, the obi, ties the uwagi closed. In some martial arts, the set is completed with hakama, which might be worn over, or instead of the zubon.
Uwagi is the Japanese word for ‘jacket’, explained
2023年12月9日 · Native speakers say “uwagi” to mean ‘jacket’ in Japanese. Perhaps, some Japanese learners know this word as it is sometimes used in Japanese conversations. In this blog post, however, I will explain this word in detail based on its kanji expression. And also, I will explain how to use it through example sentences.
uwagi (Polish, Japanese): meaning, translation - WordSense
uwagi (Polish) Noun uwagi. Genitive singular form of uwaga; Nominative plural form of uwaga; Accusative plural form of uwaga; Vocative plural form of uwaga
What is the difference between "uwagi" and "ko-to ... - HiNative
2020年4月1日 · 「上着(うわぎ uwagi)」の辞書情報です。 https://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/word/%E4%B8%8A%E7%... (1) 上下に分かれた衣服のうち、上半身に着るもの。 (2) 衣服を重ね着したときのいちばん上に着るもの。 etc. とあります。-----「コート(こーと ko-to)」の辞書情報です。
What does uwagi mean? - Definitions.net
Uwagi. An Uwagi is a kimono-like jacket worn in Japan. It is most familiar as the top half of a martial arts uniform. The third element, the obi belt, ties closed the uwagi and holds up the zubon. In some martial arts, the set is completed by a hakama which might be worn over or instead of …
上着, 上衣, 表着, うわぎ, じょうい, uwagi, jōi - Nihongo Master
coat,tunic,jacket,outer garment - Meaning of 上着, 上衣, 表着, うわぎ, じょうい, uwagi, jōi. See complete explanation and more examples and pronunciation.
Japanese Meaning of 上着 (うわぎ) uwagi – JLPTsensei.com
Learn Japanese vocabulary: 上着 【うわぎ】 (uwagi) Meaning: coat; tunic; jacket; outer garment. Type: Noun. Level: JLPT N5 Vocabulary. Each example sentence includes a Japanese furigana reading, the romaji reading, and the English translation.
Vocabulary Card – 上着 – uwagi – NIHONGO ICHIBAN
2011年5月29日 · Vocabulary JLPT N5 / Vocabulary Card – 上着 – uwagi. 外は寒いので上着を着て下さい。 そとはさむいのでうわぎをきてください。 soto wa samui node uwagi o kite kudasai. Please wear a jacket because it is cold outside.
Uwagi | the-Noh.com | Noh Terminology
2009年3月18日 · In addition to long-sleeved uwagi such as the kariginu, happi, chōken and mizugoromo, there are also short-sleeved uwagi with smaller cuffs including the karaori.
Learn JLPT N5 Vocabulary: 上着 (uwagi) – Japanesetest4you.com
Kare wa uwagi o makura ni, gussuri nemutte iru. タツヤは大急ぎで上着を羽織ると、外に飛び出した。 Tatsuya put on his jacket and raced outside.