Forms for Students - Office of the University Registrar
Form Name UoW Form Type; ACCESS Registration Request – online: Commencement Name UWNetID – online: Contact OUR – online: Current Quarter Drop Form UWNetID (Adviser-Assisted Drop Request) – online: Dean’s List Name Form UWNetID – online: Diploma Name and Address Request Form UWNetID – online: Diploma Certification Request Form ...
ACCESS Registration - Office of the University Registrar
ACCESS Registration Form: The registration request form will be available approximately 30 days prior to the start of ACCESS registration date until 5:00 p.m. of the deadline date. Registration Start: ACCESS registrations will be processed beginning on the third (3rd) day of the quarter. Registration Deadline: The deadline for registration and class changes is …
Freshman waitlist - Office of Admissions
Complete the online form using your UW NetID. Please note that only applicants invited to the waitlist will be considered for admission should spaces in the freshman class become available. Do not fill out the online form if you were not invited. University of Washington’s 6 frequent admissions questions
Application and Paperwork Submissions - Office of the University …
2024年10月24日 · Submission Process. University of Washington students may submit their residency application using the forms listed on this webpage.; University of Washington Bothell and University of Washington Tacoma students should submit residency paperwork directly to their respective campus Residency Offices.; Residency applications and documents must be submitted via the form that corresponds to the ...
Application process | Student Financial Aid - UW Homepage
File your FAFSA as soon after December 31 as possible, noting University of Washington, Code 003798 on the form. This school code is used for all UW campuses. Application for financial aid is separate from application for admission.
Please submit this form and supporting documents by uploading to your Net Partner Portal, available here: https://financialaid.wustl.edu/financial-aid-portal/
Welcome To UWash! – UWash
When you have completed the General Onboarding form, please continue to the Locations Form. We need one form filled out for each location you are bringing on board to UWash. GO TO LOCATIONS FORM
Onboarding – Location – UWash
Welcome To UWash! To keep your onboarding experience as painless as possible, please follow all instructions for onboarding and complete as much information as you can to get your location (s) set up properly before launching UWash. If you have questions, please email [email protected]
How to apply - Office of Admissions
Follow this checklist to make sure you have everything you need to submit a complete application for admission. Send test scores? Send transcripts? Make sure you also know what’s not considered. The UW application for freshman autumn admission opens September 1 each year. (See dates and deadlines for additional information.)
Forms | Student Financial Aid - UW Homepage
The following financial aid forms are available at DocuSign and for download (pdf). We encourage the completion of the DocuSign form if possible. DocuSign forms are submitted through an online process. DocuSign forms require you to log in with your NetID and password.