Bir million o‘zbek dasturchilari - One million uzbek coders
Explore 13,000 courses from more than 300 leading universities and companies. Up to 60% coverage for international IT certificates, and 100% coverage for holders of B2-level English certificates or higher. Join a friendly community of students …
Bir million o‘zbek dasturchilari - One million uzbek coders
Bir million o‘zbek dasturchilari saytiga kiring va bepul kurslardan foydalaning.
Bir million o‘zbek dasturchilari - One million uzbek coders
Изучите 13 000 курсов от более чем 300 ведущих университетов и компаний. Получите возможность отучиться на 8 бесплатных курсах от наших партнеров, а также получить доступ к более чем 10 000 курсов по специальным тарифам - и …
The Next Season of the “One Million Uzbek Coders” Project …
The “One Million Uzbek Coders” project, designed to train one million local programmers in Uzbekistan, has officially launched its second season. The initiative provides free online courses to young people, helping them acquire modern skills through the uzbekcoders.uz platform.
One Million Uzbek Coders – Telegram
🔋Noldan boshlab Front End dasturlashni o’rganish uchun o’z ustida ishlab va onlayn kurslar orqali amalga oshirilishi mumkin. Mazkur yo‘nalishni professional tarzda “One Million Uzbek Coders” …
2020年11月26日 · “One million uzbek coders” is a platform where everyone can learn IT in 4 tracks absolutely free of charge using the online portal uzbekcoders.uz. Full-Stack development. The goal of the project: implementation of distance learning methodology of the Udacity platform in schools within the framework of the “One million uzbek coders” project.
Large-scale “One Million Uzbek Coders” project ... - uzdaily.uz
2019年11月21日 · Tashkent, Uzbekistan (UzDaily.com) – Abdulla Aripov and Omar bin Sultan al-Olama officially launched the “One Million Uzbek Coders” project. The project is a free distance learning for the general population through a specialized online portal for four IT specialties.
Bir million o‘zbek dasturchilari - Vikipediya
Bir million oʻzbek dasturchilari — Oʻzbekistonda bir million mahalliy dasturchini tayyorlash boʻyicha loyiha boʻlib, loyihada toʻrtta yoʻnalish boʻyicha bepul onlayn kurslar tashkil etilgan. [1] .
One Million Uzbek Coders – Telegram
IT-Park и проект One Million Uzbek Coders запускают серию презентаций от резидентов IT-Park исключительно для обладателей грантов Nanodegree. На встрече CEO Newmax Technologies расскажет про IT индустрию Узбекистана, в чем и в ком нуждается рынок, а также о компании Newmax Technologies.
ITPARK - Language is not a barrier: One Million Uzbek Coders is …
2020年10月14日 · The Uzbek language has not been spared from this project; it has well integrated into the life of the platform and has become an integral part of it. Thanks to joint efforts, the platform's courses uzbekcoders.uz is available in Uzbek. About the Udacity platform UDACITY (USA) is a leading online learning platform focused on IT specializations.