PUBG Mobile: UZI vs MP5K- Which SMG is better & why?
2020年10月5日 · The Micro UZI takes only 0.048 seconds between two continuous shots in PUBG Mobile. The MP5K, on the other hand, has a fire rate of 0.0645 seconds, which is …
Uzi vs. MP5... | UZI Talk Forums
2007年8月4日 · The MP5k is a hoot to shoot and I enjoy it much better than the mini-uzi. Looks nicer and shoulders better. Shoots much smother than the uzi. As for reliabilty they were the …
和平精英:MP5K与uzi优势对比,团竞模式带双uzi压制力更强-小 …
2023年3月19日 · 目前除了UZI冲锋枪,在雪地里面大家还可以刷出来MP5K冲锋枪,这两个枪都是属于小型的冲锋枪械外观非常相像,不过从数据上对比MP5K的威力肯定是要更大一些的,而 …
MP5 vs. UZI? - HKPRO Forums
2008年8月19日 · MP5 is the hands down winner in semi. The long travel of the heavy open Uzi bolt can be distracting in semi. The MP5 is definitely the more usable gun, but just for full auto …
Uzi or mp5k? : r/PUBGMobile - Reddit
2020年6月23日 · Uzi is easier to keep on target but also easier to blast through the whole magazine and run dry, particularly against multiple enemies. MP5K has higher damage …
MP5K总体上来说弹容量适中、威力适中、射程适中,除了有独特的三连发之外,和其他枪械相比较没有多大的优势。 从基础上来看也只有和维克托有可比性,相当于是在UZI和UMP45的中 …
乌兹冲锋枪和mp5比较哪个好? - 知乎
Uzi的理论射速为600 rpm,而MP5的理论射速为800 rpm;这是因为Uzi采用包络式枪机,虽然全枪长度较短,但是保证了较长的枪机行程。 补充,MP5的连发操控性也很好。 Uzi的空枪质量 …
New guy with a big question: UZI vs. MP5 | UZI Talk Forums
2006年10月22日 · For starters, I would suggest, as your post implies, you only compare the fullsize Uzi to the Mp5. First shot wise, they are just are accurate as one another. The MP5, in …
Uzi family vs. MP5 Family - UZI Talk Forums
2005年1月21日 · I'm sure an MP5 will beat an UZI in the pinpoint accuracy dept but below 100 yards, the UZI is MORE than adequate. One thing that I do envy about the MP5 is that the …
PUBG Mobile: UZI vs MP5K - Hangi SMG daha iyi ve neden?
2020年10月5日 · Bu yazıda, PUBG Mobile 'daki Micro UZI ve MP5K arasındaki farkları tartışıyor ve hangisinin daha iyi bir SMG olduğunu belirlemeye çalışıyoruz. Hem Micro UZI hem de …