Lesson: Good Idea or Bad Idea? Uzzah Catches the Ark
2020年5月1日 · Early Elementary (Grades 1-3): Introduce more complex stories, emphasize character development, use worksheets and simple crafts. Late Elementary (Grades 4-6): Explore deeper themes from the Bible, connect stories to real-life situations, and encourage more discussion and personal reflection.
Ark of the Covenant Template - Etsy
2025年3月22日 · This craft can be used for telling the story of: •Its creation, description and purpose. •Crossing the river Jordan. •The battle of Jericho. •Having it stolen and returned by the Philistines. •Its return to Jerusalem. •God granting Solomon wisdom. •The creation of Solomon’s temple. Instructions
Lesson: Uzziah finds success by seeking God - Kids Bible Lessons
2011年10月24日 · Uzziah is a successful, powerful king when he seeks the Lord. Unfortunately he allowed the power to go to his head and pride led to his downfall. Students will learn that a truly successful life is one that keeps the spotlight pointing to Jesus. This lesson is only a guide to help you to prepare for your class.
Uzzah - Wikipedia
According to the Tanakh, Uzzah or Uzza (Hebrew: עזה or עזא ), meaning "Strength", was an Israelite whose death is associated with touching the Ark of the Covenant. The account of Uzzah appears in two places in scripture: 2 Samuel 6:3-8 [ 1 ] and 1 Chronicles 13:7-11.
God is Just (2 Samuel 6) Lesson #18 in What is God Like?
It may seem harsh that God killed Uzzah for touching the ark, but the people had forgotten God’s holiness and their sinfulness and needed a reminder that God will punish sin. The Bible tells us in Romans 6:23 that the wages of sin is death. That reminds us …
Life of David: 21. The Ark of God is Returned to Jerusalem
2018年9月28日 · Uzzah thought the Ark of God was going to fall. God’s rules were “Do not touch the Ark of the Covenant!” Uzzah put his hand on the Ark of God to support it and God struck him dead. This made David angry, and he was also afraid of God that day. David didn’t take the Ark of God into the city.
Topical Bible: Uzzah
Uzzah is a biblical figure known for his involvement in the transportation of the Ark of the Covenant during the reign of King David. His account is primarily found in 2 Samuel 6:1-11 and 1 Chronicles 13:1-14. Uzzah was the son of Abinadab, in whose house the Ark had been kept for many years after being returned by the Philistines (1 Samuel 7:1).
Children's Bible Lessons: Lesson - Uzzah's Good Intention
2014年8月9日 · Cut a small scrap of red paper on top of red rectangle. This is Uzzah's arm and robe. Glue red rectangle to bottom of yellow paper. Write "Uzzah's Good Intention" and "2 Samuel 6" at top of yellow paper. Make road that Uzzah is laying upon.
【乌撒】(Uzzah)《旧约》人名。 同名者有5人:1、亚比拿达的儿子。 约柜抬往大卫城行至拿艮或基赖的禾场时,牛惊蹶,乌撒违禁伸手扶柜,被上帝击死,故该地叫毗列斯乌撒,意即“乌撒之失误”(Uzzah's Breach)(撒下6:3-11;代上15:7-14)。
Sunday School Lesson on Uzziah (2 Chronicles 26) - Ministry-To-Children
Uzziah is a successful, powerful king when he seeks the Lord. Unfortunately he allowed the power to go to his head and pride led to his downfall. Students will learn that a truly successful life is one that keeps the spotlight pointing to Jesus. This lesson is only a …