英语写作中,“e.g.,” “e.g.” “eg,” 哪个才是正确用法? - 知乎
首先,e.g. 是拉丁语词组 exempli gratia 的缩写,意为 for example。 那么字母 e 和 g 后面要不要加点 (.),最后要不要加逗号 (,) 呢? 既然是缩写,那用点 (.) 表示有省略也很正常,比如 United States就可以缩写成 US 或者 U.S.。 至于exempli gratia, Chicago Manual of Style 是写成 “e.g.”,且不用斜体。 虽然外来词一般需要斜体,但常见的可以不用。 至于后面的逗号, 美式一般有,英式一般无。 但是, 实际使用可能没有统一答案,看甲方爸爸自己的选择。
“i.e.” vs. “e.g.”—What’s the Difference? | Grammarly
2024年11月6日 · I.e. stands for id est, or “that is,” and means “in other words”—use it to clarify the statement before it. E.g. stands for exempli gratia and means “for example”—use it to introduce examples and illustrate a statement. I.e. and e.g. are both Latin abbreviations. Here’s an easy way to remember the difference:
I.e. vs. E.g.: What is the Difference? - Merriam-Webster
I.e and e.g. are commonly mixed up abbreviations due to their similar look and usage. When you have a list of examples, use e.g. which means 'for example.' Clarifying something? Use i.e. which means 'that is.'
Ie vs. Eg - Understand The Difference at Dictionary.com
2018年12月3日 · One easy way to remember the difference between these two abbreviations is by employing a simple mnemonic device: Think of the i at the beginning of i.e. as a stand in for the first word in the phrase “in other words.” This indicates that the clause that follows will rephrase or explain the first part of the sentence.
你也搞不清楚 e.g.、ex.、i.e.、etc. 這些縮寫嗎?一次過給你解釋
2017年5月25日 · 為了書寫方便快速,我們時常會看到許多表示例子的縮寫,但e.g.、eg.、e.x.、ex.、i.e.、i.e到底哪些才是對的呢? 這篇幫大家整理了最常見的四種縮寫,別再搞混囉。
i.e. vs. e.g.: How to Use i.e. or e.g. - The Blue Book of Grammar and ...
2021年3月31日 · It identifies, amplifies, clarifies, or specifies to remove all doubt about what the previous statement is saying. The abbreviation e.g. gives one or a few examples from a larger grouping. It helps to illustrate a preceding thought but does not restate, list, or summarize it.
i.e. vs e.g.: What's the Difference and How to Use Both Correctly
2022年10月2日 · E.g. stands for the Latin exempli gratia and is even more straightforward: it just means “for example,” and is used as a shorthand substitution for this phrase in English. While “i.e.” narrows down a topic, “e.g.” expands a topic by providing one or more examples. Take a look at these to get your sea legs:
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I.e. vs. E.g: Difference and Use (With Examples in Sentences)
2021年12月17日 · While i.e. vs. e.g. may seem similar, they both represent different things. Uncover what these two abbreviations mean and how to use them correctly.
I.e. vs. E.g: What’s the Difference? - LanguageTool
E.g. and i.e. are both abbreviations for Latin expressions. E.g. stands for “ exempli gratia,” which translates to “for the sake of the example.” I.e. stands for “ Id est,” which translates to “that is.” E.g. is used to give examples, whereas i.e. is used for elaboration.