Development of Ti–V–Cr–Mn–Mo–Ce high-entropy ... - Springer
2024年6月5日 · The V-based body-centered cubic (BCC)-type hydrogen storage alloys have attracted significant attention due to their high theoretical hydrogen storage capacity of 3.80 wt%. However, their practical application faces challenges related to low dehydriding capacity and poor activation performance.
Molar volumes of bcc, hcp, and orthorhombic Ti-base solid solutions …
2016年3月1日 · In this work, we model the room-temperature molar volumes of bcc, hcp, and orthorhombic phases in the CALPHAD framework. We take the orthorhombic phase as a distinct phase instead of distorted-hcp, due to a lack of information on the α′/α′′ transitional composition and the amplitude of distortions for multi-component alloys.
钒是强化 fcc 和 bcc 高熵合金的最佳元素,Acta Materialia - X-MOL
适用于 fcc 和 bcc HEAs 的无参数理论使这一发现合理化,预测了一系列 fcc 和 bcc 合金的强度,与实验在定量和定性上一致。 在 fcc 类中,分析说明了为什么新发现的 NiCoV 和 Ni0.632V0.368 合金的强度远高于任何其他 fcc 合金,并且预计会达到最高。
In this study, Ti32V40+xFe23-xMn5 (x=0, 4, 8, 12, at.%) alloys were designed, and the effects of V/Fe ratio on phase constitution and hydrogen storage properties were investigated. The main phase of the alloys is body-centered cubic (BCC) phase, and the lattice constants of the BCC phase decrease with the decrease of V/Fe ratio.
用于储氢的无 V BCC 结构合金的开发,ACS Applied Energy …
2023年10月23日 · 本工作通过热处理和Ce掺杂成功合成了一种易活化、高性能的无V BCC型合金(Ti 40 Cr 50 Mo 10 Ce 1 )。 热处理将其脱氢能力显着提高至 2.5 wt%,这归因于斜率因子降低 (0.76–0.17),使其与 V 基 BCC 型合金相当。
固体物理笔记 ch1 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
七大晶系作骨,点阵为肉,在七大晶系的结构中加入一些点,保证宏观对称性不变(对称轴不变),同时对平移对称性进行了区分,即不同的布喇菲点阵。 一共有14总布喇菲格子,在加心时首先要保证晶系没有发生改变,然后再看平移对称性,如果平移对称性不同,则产生了一种新的布喇菲格子。 2d\sin\theta = n\lambda\ 其中d为晶面间距,角度为入射光线与晶面的夹角(注意并不是入射角),n为整数。 当各项参数都合适时,为光强加强的方向。 Laue方程: \overrightarrow …
Crystal structure of two hydrides formed from a Ti–V–Mn BCC …
2001年3月2日 · Most of the BCC metals and BCC solid-solution alloys form mono-hydrides with a BCC metal sublattice, which is sometimes deformed or distorted. The V–H system is the only case where a BCC metal forms a mono-hydride phase, the metal sublattice of which is clearly distinguished from the original BCC structure [1] , [2] .
Enhancement of hydrogen storage capacity of Ti?V?Cr?Mn BCC …
2004年6月1日 · It is found that the increasing V content is effective for enhancing the hydrogen absorption capacity and flattening the hydrogen desorption plateau, while it depresses the hydrogen desorption...
Development of high-performance Low-V BCC alloy for
2022年12月1日 · V-based BCC solid-solution alloys have been considered as promising hydrogen storage materials due to their high hydrogen storage capacity; however, the low effective hydrogen desorption...
These BCC phase alloys exhibited 2.4 mass% protium. It was also found that the heat-treatment was effective in stabilizing a BCC structure in Ti-V-Cr alloys with low V content. The alloy yields the high capacity of 3.0 mass% protium capacity, which will …
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