2014年5月13日 · Homogeneous B, V photometry is presented for 19,324 stars in and around 5 Magellanic Cloud globular clusters: NGC 1466, NGC 1841, NGC 2210, NGC 2257, and Reticulum. The photometry is derived from eight nights of CCD imaging with the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory 0.9 m SMARTS telescope.
Open clusters or their remnants: B and V photometry of NGC 1901 and NGC ...
2001年6月1日 · Abstract: Photometry in the B and V bands is presented for the southern stellar groups NGC 1901 and NGC 1252. NGC 1901 is often described as an open cluster while NGC 1252 consists of a concentration of about 20 stars centered approx 20' north of the original New General Catalogue coordinates, and at the southwest edge of the large region ...
NGC 6229 - Wikipedia
NGC 6229 is a globular cluster located in the constellation Hercules. It is designated as GC(v)B in the galaxy morphological classification scheme and was discovered by the British astronomer William Herschel on 12 May 1787.
-The V-(B − V ) and V-(V − I) color-magnitude diagrams for the ...
We present new BVI ground-based photometry and VI space-based photometry for the globular cluster M92 (NGC 6341) and examine luminosity functions in B, V, and I containing over 50,000 stars...
[2410.13350] Applying the Velocity Gradient Technique in NGC …
2024年10月17日 · In this work, we seek to use a recently proposed approach called the Velocity Gradient Technique (VGT) to study B-fields in star-forming regions and compare the results with dust polarization observations in different wavelengths.
Wolfram Cloud Document
In Astronomy Techniques you have already been introduced to the concepts of Colour-Magnitude (CM) diagrams and HR diagrams. B-V Colour Magnitude diagrams are generated by measuring B and V magnitudes, and then plotting V vs B-V. An example using data from the SPIRIT telescopes for NGC 104 is shown below.
BV Photometry of RR Lyrae Variables in the Globular Cluster M92
We present BV CCD photometry for 7 RR Lyrae variables in the globular cluster M92 (NGC 6341). New ephemerides are computed, and V, B, and B-V light curves are given. A color-magnitude diagram based on 2 V and 2 B short exposures is given, reaching from above the horizontal branch to below the main sequence turn-off.
韦伯影像: NGC 602里的恒星与云气柱 | NASA中文
2024年10月29日 · 作为比较之用的轮换影像,则是先前哈勃太空望远镜在可见光波段拍摄的星团ngc 602。ngc 602位在小麦哲伦星系(smc)的边缘,而此星系是我们银河系的小型伴星系。
The observed V, (B-V) diagram of NGC 7086 and the best …
We present a CCD BV photometry of the possible binary open star cluster NGC 7031/NGC 7086. The aim is to confirm or disprove their common nature on the grounds of their age and distance.
tioris NGC 2129, 6834 , 6913, and 7654) and M.B. Metreveli (areas around constellations NGC 6802, 6823). Plates obtained at the meniscus telescope of the Abastuitar~ Observatory (D = 700 nit , F = 2100 mm) with 8° ,and 4° pris~s (dispersion near K~ , …