PLL Algorithms - CFOP Speedcubing Cases - Speedsolving.com Wiki
This page provides a list of PLL algorithms, diagrams, and common cases for speedcubing enthusiasts.
PLL Algorithms - CFOP Speedcubing Cases - Speedsolving.com Wiki
The diagrams below are top views of where you want the pieces to go. For example, the T Permutation (or 'T perm') swaps the UL and UR edges, as well as the UFR and UBR corners. If you like, try out all of the available algorithms for a case to see which one feels the fastest to you - the same algorithm may not be the fastest for everyone, and ...
What is the best V perm? - SpeedSolving Puzzles Community
2009年5月22日 · I thought even very fast cubers took about 2.5 for this, F-perm, and N-perm a. Are you serious? The majority of ~13s or faster cubers can at least sub2 every PLL, or come close. People who are around 10-11s can usually get 1.5ish on every PLL.
y-perm - SpeedSolving Puzzles Community
2014年10月5日 · About Speedsolving.com. SpeedSolving.com is a community focused on speed-solving puzzles, particularly the Rubik’s cube and alike.
help my my V perm | SpeedSolving Puzzles Community
2010年10月1日 · I currently use: R' U R' U' x2 y' R' U R' U' l R U' R' U R U Should I avoid using algs with rotation??is this alg suit for speedcubing??what v perm do you use and how seccess it is??
2x2x2 Optimal Perm - SpeedSolving Puzzles Community
2007年10月17日 · Of course, 9 turns (A-perm alg, for example) are sufficient if you don't care about keeping alignment between U and D layers. For swapping two diagonally opposite corners in the U layer (preserving orientation), the maximum number of turns (11) is required, regardless of alignment between U and D layers.
Z Perm - SpeedSolving Puzzles Community
2011年3月4日 · Ok, firstly I'm not sure if this is the right section for this to go under, but i'll give it a go. I have always used the M2 U M2 U M' U2 M2 U2 M' U2 Z perm, but i find it to be slow when i am speedsolving. I know there are other Z perms out there, so i wondered which one others used when speedsolving, if it isn't this one. Thanks
How to do J' Perm faster. | SpeedSolving Puzzles Community
2007年8月27日 · How to you guys do J'-perm ? because right now i use the algorithm: F2 L' U' r U2 l' U R' U' R2 and i think many ppl do it faster than i can. How do you guys do it, please also mention any finger tricks used. videos would be wonderful. I'd like to be sub 3 at least. thanks.
New PLL guide, with algorithms and performance notes for all 84 …
2015年7月12日 · If you want to reduce AUF to 50% based upon your diagrams, you need to assume blue on front for H-Perm, orange on front for "Ns" perm, and red on front for "Nz" perm. If you don't assume a fixed color in front, then you can not decide which of the two algorithms to use based on only the angle of the top layer as your diagrams would imply. To ...
Which Aa Perm do you use? - SpeedSolving Puzzles Community
2021年9月16日 · I'm starting a new series of threads to know what the most popular PLLs are. Vote for which one you use. p.s. the algs here have gotten at least 2 votes on scdb, so that joke algs don't feature.