Vought SB2U Vindicator - Wikipedia
The Vought SB2U Vindicator is an American carrier-based dive bomber developed for the United States Navy in the 1930s, the first monoplane in this role. Vindicators still remained in service at the time of the Battle of Midway, but by 1943, all had been withdrawn to training units. It was known as the Chesapeake in Royal Navy service.
法国 海军V-156-F 舰载俯冲轰炸机 - 哔哩哔哩
V-156-F (SB2U)同时代性能中规中矩,深度折叠的机翼是其亮点。 性能数据. 乘员:飞行员,炮手各一人. 机长:10.36米. 翼展:12.80米. 机高:3.12米. 空重:2555千克. 最大起飞重量:4273千克. 最大速度:391千米/小时. 航程:1802千米. 发动机:一台普惠R-1535-63“双小黄蜂” 输出功率:615千瓦. 武器装备:机鼻和座舱后部活动枪架上各有恩 7.5 毫米机枪,翼下挂架可携带100千克炸弹(模型展现的是200千克) 关于模型. 1. 切割机翼. 2. 外侧机翼向上折叠115度. 3. 修补机 …
【战争雷霆载具资料】V-156F轰炸机 - 哔哩哔哩
缺点:平飞速度慢,爬升率低,升限低,载弹量偏小。 建议用法:战场遮断。 避免用法:参与对空作战,突防轰炸。
Model Number : V-156-F - vought
The V-156-F received its “baptism of fire” on May 20, 1940 when AB1 was ordered to bomb a number of vital bridges that crossed a canal near Origny-Ste-Benoite on the Oise River. This attack was made in an attempt to slow down German armored units, even though the Navy pilots had no training or experience in attacking land targets.
Vought SB2U Vindicator (1936) - Naval Encyclopedia
2020年12月4日 · In May-June 1940, the Vindicator also saw combat in Europe: The French purchased 40 V-156-F to the company, incorporated changes and specific equipment to the metric system. Deliveries started in July 1939, and crews were trained for carrier operation intended for the Béarn, but in September, it was decided to sent them to the escadrilles AB 1 ...
Vought SB2U Vindicator Dive Bomber Aircraft - Military Factory
2018年2月21日 · The French Navy export model - which numbered 40 - was designated as V-156F-3. The British SB2U-3 export designation became V-156B-1 (Chesapeake Mk.I). These fitted the R-1535-SB4-G engine of 750 horsepower and 50 of the type were produced.
Vought SB2U Vindicator (1936) - Naval Aviation
In this dive bombing role, the Vindicator carried underbelly a single 1,000 lb (450 kg) bomb. It was released by using a swinging trapeze in order to clear off the propeller. The wings were sturdy enough to accomodate four racks, to carry smaller bombs, for …
Azur 1/72 V-156F Vindicator "Aeronavale Service" (A113)
Today we have a chance to add this rare French Vindicator to our collection. Czech company Azur has recently issued 1/72 kit with improved detalization. This kit is considered to be a limited edition and has some attractive bonuses inside. Azur's V-156F comes in …
V-156F - vought
V-156F. A modification of the SB2U-2 for the French. Name. Type. First Flight . Scout-Bomber. 1939. Return to Previous Page
SB2U辩护者式俯冲轰炸机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
ab 1部队在轰炸法国北部的桥梁和德国地面目标以及为敦刻尔克撤退提供空中掩护时遭受了严重损失;ab 3部队的v-156-f曾短暂与意大利人交战,在此期间,他们可能在阿尔本加附近击沉了一艘潜艇。
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