VFlowTech - Home of The World's Best Vanadium Redox Flow …
VFlowTech is a Singapore-based long duration energy storage solutions provider manufacturing low-cost and efficient modular vanadium redox flow batteries. VFlowTech’s long-term vision is to drive the world towards energy equity where everyone can access clean energy at …
伟力得 | 用科技创新 让电能储存更安全
伟力得是全钒液流电池研发制造公司,专注于全钒液流电池核心材料、电堆、及系统集成的研发、生产和销售。 公司提供一流的方案设计、储能设备、控制系统、施工方案、投资方案、运营方案,让客户高枕无忧。 伟力得能源作为国内液流电池整装集成生产的排头兵,公司自主研发生产具有高安全、长寿命等优异特性的全钒液流大规模储能装备,采用原创电堆激光焊接密封技术彻底解决传统胶圈工艺的漏液问题。 公司拥有从上游核心组件材料、中游大功率液流电池电堆新型激 …
伟力得-公司简介 - v-flow.cn
为响应国家能源战略发展需求,着眼大规模、长时储能全钒液流电池,公司已搭建行内专家博士组成的顶尖顾问团队,拥有百余项自主核心知识产权,掌握全球首创的电堆激光焊接封装工艺、1500kW 功率单元集成技术、可焊接一体化双极板标准制程,且实现全产业链关键材料自主可控,作为液流电池标委会成员单位在行业内已起到引领作用。 2月,与四川发展兴欣钒能源科有限公司签定战略合作协议;3月,与内蒙古电力集团经济技术研究有限责任公司签定战略合作框架协议;4月,评选 …
VFlowTech - About Us
VFlowTech is a Singapore-based long duration energy storage solutions provider manufacturing low-cost and efficient modular vanadium redox flow batteries. VFlowTech’s long-term vision is to drive the world towards energy equity where everyone can access clean energy at …
钒电池制造商VFlowTech获得1000万美元融资 - 动点科技
2023年2月7日 · 新加坡可再生能源初创公司VFlowTech日前宣布,已经获得了一笔 1000万美元 规模的A轮融资。 据了解,这笔融资得到了超额认购,由日本风投机构Real Tech Holdings领投,并得到了SEEDS Capital、Wavemaker Partners、Sing Fuels等机构和个人投资者的参投。 VFlowTech成立于2018年,是一家主打低成本、模块化的钒氧化还原液流电池制造商(值得一提的是,VFlowTech部分组成是从南洋理工大学中分拆而来,并拥有该学术机构开发的知识产权) …
V-Flow Solutions Limited
V-Flow Solutions supply 3-way actuated PVC valve assemblies with L-port and T-port valves available in U-PVC and PP-H. Motorised plastic valves are available in a wide range of sizes, connection type and with a variety of different actuators to suit a wide range of industrial applications and torque requirements.
V-FLO Pumps&Systems Co., Ltd._API Pumps_Water Pumps_Special …
V-FLO type D & DG multi-stage centrifugal pumps, QW,GQJ, SG submersible & VMC/ VTMC/LY submerged pumps are popular selections for mining and metallurgical water applications.
Plan and manage work in a rapidly changing world. Easily decompose and organize goals in a network that seamlessly spans individuals, teams, and even companies. Prioritization automatically combines a dynamic model value and duration, and is automatically propagated through the relevant network of goals, all the way to the task level.
vFlow's results-driven software delivers sharper Business performance. Fast. Struggling to deliver lean efficiency rapidly? Still delivering studies using a stopwatch & paper? Fear competitors are outperforming you? Not sure how to reap benefits faster? Every organisation should operate efficiently and sustainably. Using vFlow, you will too.
V-FLOW|英国V-FLOW - 佳武
英国V-Flow Solutions 拥有广泛的质量好的工业流量控制产品组合和经验丰富的工程师团队,可以讨论产品和解决方案,是流量控制领域的专业者。
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