V-R11 | Call of Duty Wiki | Fandom
The V-R11 is a Wonder Weapon featured in Call of Duty: Black Ops. It debuted in the Zombies map Call of the Dead. It also plays a key role in the map's main Easter Egg. The V-R11 returns within...
Nov 17, 2023 · 《黑色行动1》中v-r11的效果为: 被V-R11击中的僵尸会变回普通人类,尖叫并吸引其他僵尸,随后去到水源处,冻结并死亡。 射击队友会让队友短暂进入僵尸无视状态。
V-R11 (奇迹武器) - 使命召唤 中文维基 | 決勝時刻 | Call of Duty
使用V-R11射击能够将被命中的丧尸转化为人类,人类会被附近的丧尸追赶,并前往最近的水体把自己冻死。 V-R11还会在乔治罗梅罗进入暴怒状态后让他进入冷静状态,10 到 15 秒后他会自动再次进入暴怒状态;如在冷静状态下再次使用V-R11向他射击,他会立即进入暴怒状态。 玩家还可以使用V-R11射击其他玩家,使其屏幕变成红色,丧尸会无视他们 10 秒,效果类似于《黑色行动2》中的丧尸血;V-R11 拉撒路则会造成 5 秒的秒杀效果,而非无视。 这些效果的持续时间可以 …
【cod20僵尸】奇迹武器V-R11必看进阶技巧 - 哔哩哔哩
【cod20僵尸】奇迹武器V-R11必看进阶技巧! 要点:V-R11的每命中巨魔的第三枪,打在巨魔的弱点上,即可实现一枪半管血的效果。
V-R11 - Call of Duty Zombies Wiki
The V-R11 is a Wonder Weapon that appears in Call of Duty: Black Ops. It debuted in the Zombies map Call of the Dead and is currently exclusive to it. It also plays a key role in the easter egg on...
Everything we know about the V-R11 Wonder Weapon in MW3 …
Dec 1, 2023 · The V-R11 is a returning Wonder Weapon for the series, though it’s been over a decade since its seen the light of day. With it set to return in MW3’s Season 1 update, here’s everything we ...
使命召唤7~僵尸模式~奇迹武器介绍! - 哔 ... - 哔哩哔哩
v~r11是只在地图“活死人的呼唤”中出现的奇迹武器,这也使得“活死人的呼唤”成为了第一个拥有2种,但是只能1人拥有其中1种奇迹武器的地图 被V~R11命中的僵尸会变回人类,跑向附近的冰水池并吸引周围的僵尸追击。
V-R11 | CoD Wiki | Fandom
The V-R11 is a Wonder Weapon It has the unique ability to change zombies into people. The V-R11 appears in the Nazi Zombies map Call Of The Dead.. When a zombie is reverted it appears to change into a man wearing a black suit with sunglasses. The newly reverted human will run to the nearest body...
How to Get the V-R11 Wonder Weapon - IGN
The V-R11 is a legacy wonder weapon that was reintroduced for Zombies in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. This guide details everything you'll need to know about how to get and use the V-R11...
What is the V-R11? : r/MWZombies - Reddit
The V-R11 is a (classic) wonder weapon that isn't craftable, so the cases are pretty rare. The locked diary (along with a few other items) is used to unlock the portal that allows you back into the Dark Aether. It also repairs vehicles and buffs fellow players along with curing the zombism and makeing friendly mercs.