该细胞用于研究小鼠听觉研究,被认为是一种用于筛选耳毒性药物的体外系统,已被用于研究药物激活的凋亡途径、自噬、衰老、炎症反应、细胞分化、药 物的遗传和表观遗传的作用,还有耳蜗中分子通道和受体的表达。 收货当天如何处理细胞? 收到细胞后请务必仔细阅读产品资料,了解细胞相关信息,如贴壁特性 (贴壁/悬浮/半贴壁半悬浮)、细胞形态、培养体系、传代比例和换液频率等。 海星生物拥有ClonePlus™等超高效细胞基因编辑技术和自动化细胞克隆系统等硬核技 …
OC-1 vs V1 : r/Outrigger - Reddit
2024年5月29日 · I paddle oc1/V1/OC6/surfski. I highly recommend V1. It's like taking the training wheels off. For me an oc1 is like an exercise bike where you just paddle forward, whereas a V1 is like a real bike where you can twist and turn and look for how to use the terrain. I do downwind runs in V1 and it's a great challenge.
HEI-OC1 cells as a model for investigating drug cytotoxicity
The House Ear Institute-Organ of Corti 1 (HEI-OC1) is one of the few, and arguable the most used, mouse auditory cell line available for research purposes. Originally proposed as an in vitro system for screening of ototoxic drugs, it has been used to investigate, among other topics, apoptotic pathwa …
Effects of Nutraceuticals on Cisplatin-Induced Cytotoxicity in HEI-OC1 …
2023年12月12日 · Cisplatin is cytotoxic for HEI-OC1 cells in dose-, time- and cell density-dependent manners (Figure 1 and Figure S1). We have tested whether the different antioxidant compounds or H 2 S donors were able to reduce cisplatin-induced cytotoxicity.
AC-DC 404 OC1 – 404® SEAS
Boat Bag for Protecting Canoe from Sun and Scratches NOT DROPS! COMFORT, SPEED, CONTROL. The AC/DC effortlessly cuts through water and carries great momentum between strokes. The AC/DC was designed as a flat water canoe below the waterline, with rough water canoe elements added above the water line.
2014年11月5日 · 光学载波(OC)是在一个有许多确定水平的SONET光纤网络中的一组信号带宽。 它通常表示为OC-n,其中,n是一个倍数因子,表示是基本速率51.84Mbit/s (payload:50.112M;overhead:1.728M)的多少倍。 目前定义的标准有: OC-1 — 51.8 4Mbit/s. OC-3 — 155.52 Mbit/s (P:148.608;O:6.912) OC-3c/STM-1: OC-12 /STM-4— 622.08 Mbit/s (P:601.344;O:20.736) OC-24 — 1.244 Gbit/s (P:1.202208G;O:41.472M)
Glucocorticoids protect HEI-OC1 cells from tunicamycin-induced …
Results In HEI-OC1 cells, dexamethasone was shown to significantly reduce the tunicamycin-induced expression of ATF4 and CHOP in the context of sustained viability and proliferation, a therapeutic effect that was reversible by co-treatment with a glucocorticoid antagonist.
HEI-OC1细胞作为研究药物细胞毒性的模型。,Hearing Research - X …
耳科动物研究所-Corti 1(HEI-OC1)是为研究目的而为数不多且争议最大的小鼠听觉细胞系之一。 最初被提议作为一种用于筛选耳毒性药物的体外系统,它已被用于研究凋亡途径,自噬和衰老,细胞保护机制,炎症反应,细胞分化,缺氧,氧化和内质网的影响等主题。
Interaction between Oc-1 and Lmx1a promotes ventral
2015年5月22日 · We found that Oc-1 and Lmx1a displayed a very similar expression profile from embryonic to adult ventral midbrain (VM) tissues. Oc-1 regulated the proliferation and differentiation of ventral midbrain neural stem cells (vmNSCs). Downregulation of Oc-1 decreased both transcript and protein level of Lmx1a.
Looking at an OC1 - Standup Zone Forum
2016年4月8日 · Two things: there isn't that much price difference in the used/new OCs you are speaking of, especially for years of use. Paying a little more for the right canoe will be a smarter purchase in the long run. Also, you might want to do a little road trip to demo or even buy your OC1. Or just get one shipped, like a Huki.