Bell V-247 - Unmanned & Unmatched, Precision Strike Anti
With longer cruise time, and more than 2,000 lbs of internal cargo capacity, the Bell V-247 can accommodate any cargo, any mission, anywhere. Take off immediately, no runway necessary. With Vertical take-off landing (VTOL) and Short Takeoff Landing (STOVL) the V-247 lets you lift off from any domain.
Bell V-247 Vigilant - Wikipedia
Bell created the V-247 to meet emerging U.S. military needs for a runway-independent Group 4 or 5 UAV to provide persistent support to ground forces while requiring less space to store and transport; Group 4 UAVs weigh more than 1,320 lb (600 kg) and fly below 18,000 ft (5,500 m), while Group 5 UAVs weigh the same but fly above 18,000 ft, such a...
Unmanned and unmatched, the Bell V-247 Vigilant goes above and beyond, ofering you autonomous flight capabilities that are flexible, modular, and lethal. Mission commanders can re-task payloads and sensors in real time while the autonomous flight …
V-247 Tiltrotor Drone Downsized For Strike Role Aboard Navy Ships
2022年4月19日 · Bell has resurrected the unmanned V-247 Vigilant designed for the Marine Corps and scaled it down for use as a strike and surveillance aircraft aboard Navy ships, where the autonomous tiltrotor can fit in the same space as an MH-60R and perform any of the manned helicopter’s missions.
2021年2月3日 · v247,陆战队的火力倍增器. 于是,贝尔推出了基于v280技术发展起来的v247“机警”无人倾旋翼机。 贝尔公司表示,v247将能够自主飞行,并通过数据链,来支持其他有人驾驶飞机的作战。同时该无人机还可以转动机翼和折叠旋翼,以适应陆战队两栖攻击舰的搭载 ...
EXCLUSIVE: Meet Bell’s V-247, Armed Tiltrotor Drone For Marines
2016年8月29日 · It’s an unmanned tiltrotor designed to give the Marines a drone that can do everything the Air Force’s armed MQ-9 Reaper does – and more. Especially taking off and landing from ships or from ...
2018年10月6日 · V-247无人机翼展20米,旋翼直径9.1米,具有V尾和可收放后三点式起落架。 可以460公里/小时的速度巡航,最高速度则为560公里/小时,航程2000公里左右,作战半径超过800公里。 实用升限7600米,作战半径830公里,载重270千克时的续航时间11-15小时。 该机内部有效载荷910千克,外部可吊挂4.1吨货物。 火力方面,V-247其机翼下方增加的4个武器挂架,其中内侧挂架挂载了8枚“地狱火”反坦克导弹,外侧挂架上挂载了8枚“狂怒”小型滑翔炸弹。 之前 …
Bell leverages V-22 experience for new V-247 Vigilant ... - New …
2016年9月23日 · At the National Press Club in Washington, DC, Bell helicopter has unveiled its new V-247 Vigilant tiltrotor drone for the US Marine Corps. Like the company's V-22 Osprey, the Unmanned Aerial...
Bell V-247 Vigilant - Helis.com
First unveiled on August 2016, the V-247 is an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) tiltrotor proposed to be used by the U.S. Marines. The Vigilant is a single-engine sea-based platform capable to operate from frigate type ships with a 250 knots cruise speed at a 450 nautical miles distance in a 11 hours long mission.
贝尔展示V-247无人攻击机全新模型 - 搜狐
2018年9月26日 · 据美国“防务新闻”网站9月25日报道,由于美国海军陆战队一直希望推进其多功能、垂直起降无人机计划 (MUX),贝尔公布了其V-247 “警惕”(Vigilant)无人倾转旋翼机的全新模型,可以承担综合防空、电子战、空中预警和精确打击等任务。 9月25日,贝尔公司在美国弗吉尼亚州海军陆战队匡蒂科基地举行的2018年现代海事博览会上首次展示V-247无人倾转旋翼机的全尺寸模型。 贝尔公司一直在积极宣传V-247是MUX项目的一种选择,其模块化设计对其他美国部队 …
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