IAE V2500 - Wikipedia
The V2500-A5/D5/E5 has one fan, four low- and ten high-pressure compressor stages, and two high- and five low-pressure turbine stages. The IAE V2500 is a two-shaft high-bypass turbofan engine built by International Aero Engines (IAE) which powers the Airbus A320 family, the McDonnell Douglas MD-90, and the Embraer C-390 Millennium. [2]
V2500 - 百度百科
V2500型号代号中,既表示了推力级,又表示使用的飞机机种,例如V2527-A5中,“27”表示推力级为27000lb,A表示用于 空中客车 的飞机,如为D,则为用于麦道的飞机。
V2522-A5, V2524-A5, V2527-A5, V2527E-A5, V2527M-A5, V2530-A5, V2533-A5 V2525-D5, V2528-D5 V2531-E5 2. Type Certificate Holder International Aero Engines AG (IAE) c/o IAE Airworthiness 400 Main Street East Hartford, CT 06118 United States of America 3. Manufacturer International Aero Engines AG (IAE) Same address 4. Date of Application
Engines of models described herein conforming with this data sheet (which is part of Type Certificate Number E40NE) and other approved data on file with the Federal Aviation Administration, meet the minimum standards for use in certificated aircraft in accordance with pertinent aircraft data sheets and applicable portions of the Federal Aviatio...
国际航空发动机V2500 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
IAE V2500 是 国际航空发动机公司 开发的双转子轴流式高函道比 涡扇发动机,应用于 空中巴士A320系列 、 麦道MD-90 和 巴西航空工业C-390 上。
The V2527-A5 is the most popular variant of the V2500, powering 607 A320s in service, and with an order backlog of 468 aircraft. The largest sub-fleet is operated by jetBlue Airways with 103 A320-200s powered by these engines, with another 73 on order. There are two supplementary options for the V2527-A5: the V2527E-A5 and V2527M-A5. The ...
The V2527-A5 is the most popular variant of the V2500, powering 607 A320s in service, and with an order backlog of 468 aircraft. The largest sub-fleet is operated by jetBlue Airways with 103 A320-200s powered by these engines, with another 73 on order. There are two supplementary options for the V2527-A5: the V2527E-A5 and V2527M-A5. The ...
The V2527-A5 is rated at 26,600lbs for the A320, and has a bypass ratio of 4.8:1. The V2527-A5 has an enhanced variant, the V2527E-A5, which provides additional thrust for A320s operating at hot and high altitudes; and the V2527M-A5, which is used by corporate versions of the A319.
V2500 SelectOne™ | International Aero Engines - Pratt & Whitney
V2500-A5 SelectOne TM engine is the latest engine production standard, which first entered service on schedule in October 2008. The result is an engine that delivers best-in-class reliability, the lowest fuel burn, best performance retention, lowest total emissions and environmental leadership, and lowest cost of ownership.
2010年5月4日 · V2500采用的是由罗罗公司设计和发展的无凸台宽弦空心叶片。 它的制造是在两块钛合金薄板之间放入同样是用钛合金作成的蜂窝状结构的材料,然后通过活性扩散焊接的方法将其连成一体。 这种叶片以极轻的重量获得了极大的强度,可以抗击外来物的击伤。 另外,由于其宽弦叶片本身的性质,跑道上的细小碎片和尘土可以被甩到旁路管道,因此同普通窄弦叶片相比,它可以使由于外来物击伤而导致的发动机拆卸减少4倍。 当V2500开始进入服役时,这种独特的 …