AFM studies on surface morphology evolution after annealing of V2O5 …
It was observed the growth a novel type of nanostructured V 2 O 5 thin films using as deposition technique spray deposition at low temperature (250°C) followed by thermal annealing in oxygen at 400°C.
In Situ Deposition and Ultrahigh Vacuum STM/AFM Study of V 2 O 5 …
2001年9月28日 · In the work presented in this paper, we have used in situ deposition and ultrahigh vacuum scanning probe microscopy (UHV-SPM), which includes UHV scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and UHV atomic force microscopy (AFM) to address interface structure and heterogeneity in solid-state oxide Li-ion conducting thin-film devices.
AFM image of V2O5−x (5 nm) TF deposited at different substrate ...
AFM results ( Figure 5) indicated that the deposited V2O5−x of 5 nm thickness produced isolated islands. Before obtaining the AFM results, we actually expected that the surface coverage of...
(a), (b) Illustrative and AFM images for the sample of (a) V2O5 …
Download scientific diagram | (a), (b) Illustrative and AFM images for the sample of (a) V2O5 network and (b) residual structure after the removal of the V2O5 nanowires. These AFM images in...
C-AFM images of two nanocrystalline V2O5 thin films: (1) V2O5 a …
After calcining the film at 300 °C (30 min), it was found that it oxidized to V2O5, with SEM and atomic force microscopy (AFM) results showing that the film structure retained the hierarchic ...
Phase transition and changing properties of nanostructured V2O5 …
2019年5月29日 · The SEM and AFM images evidenced that the W-doped films change nanostructured form from nanorods to composition of nanorods and nanoplates at 400 °C, which is 20% lower than general formation temperature of vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) nanorods, while the undoped film have small-sized nanostructural morphology as an initial stage.
Surface film morphology (AFM) and chemical features (XPS) of …
2008年6月1日 · One of the first in situ AFM imaging of the surface films formation on V 2 O 5 cathodes (prepared by thermal evaporation), cycled in LiPF 6 (EC:DMC 1/1) in the reversible potential range, was achieved by Cohen and Aurbach [16].
Among the transition metal oxides, vanadium pentoxide V2O5 is a promising candidate as positive electrode material for lithium secondary microbatteries. Indeed, this material presents a layered structure, a high energy density [4] and [5] and a possibility to insert 3 Li per V2O5 leading to an overall faradic capacity close to 420 Ah kg−1 [6].
Electrical transport and AFM microscopy on V2O5−X
2001年8月20日 · The detailed structure of V 2 O 5−X –Pa fibres was searched using the atomic force microscope (AFM) in tapping mode, Fig. 1, and the results show a measured width of 20–40 nm.
AFM:原子层级厚度的类石墨烯氧化钒突破水系锌离子电池钒基正 …
高分辨透射(hrtem)和原子力显微镜(afm)表征证明该类石墨烯氧化钒大约为3个原子层厚度。 要点二:类石墨烯氧化钒材料表现出超过700 mAh g-1的超高容量。