Vanadium(V) oxide - Wikipedia
Vanadium (V) oxide (vanadia) is the inorganic compound with the formula V 2 O 5. Commonly known as vanadium pentoxide, it is a dark yellow solid, although when freshly precipitated from aqueous solution, its colour is deep orange. Because of its high oxidation state, it is both an amphoteric oxide and an oxidizing agent.
Mechanism and Reactions of Vanadium (V)_Oxide
2024年4月28日 · V2O5 is reduced by SO2 to form vanadium(IV) oxide (VO2) and SO3. VO2 is then re-oxidized by molecular oxygen to regenerate V2O5, completing the catalytic cycle. The ability of vanadium to cycle between the +5 and +4 oxidation states is …
New Prelithiated V2O5 Superstructure for Lithium-Ion Batteries …
2019年11月11日 · Vanadium pentoxide (V 2 O 5) is an attractive high-capacity cathode material for lithium-ion batteries but is limited by the poor structural stability. In this work, we report the synthesis and properties of a new lithium-ordered superstructure of Li 0.0625 V 2 O 5 through controlled prelithiation treatment.
XPS investigations achieved on the first cycle of V2O5 thin …
2006年1月1日 · XPS analyses of the V 2p core peaks performed: (a) before mechanical erosion and (b) after mechanical erosion onto crystallized V 2 O 5 thin films at different stages of the first cycle—the as-deposited sample, upon discharge (V = 3.2, 2.3, 1.9, 1.5 V/Li) and at the end of the charge (C = 3.7 V/Li).
Improved rate capability and long cycle life of metal-organic …
2024年2月1日 · Vanadium oxide on carbon nanoporous structure (V2 O 5/C) as a potential cathode material for sodium-ion batteries (SIBs) offers significant specific capacities in energy storage systems but suffers from slow ionic diffusivity upon long cycling at higher current rates, thereby generally resulting in substandard electrochemical performance.
V2O5 nanopaper as a cathode material with high capacity and long cycle …
2019年6月1日 · In this work, we introduce a novel V2 O 5 nanopaper consisting of V 2 O 5 nanofibers and carbon nanotubes as reversible Zn-ion cathode. V2 O 5 has a layered crystalline structure. The spaces between the oxide layers may serve as 2 …
锂离子电池的新型预锂化V 2 O 5 上层结构,具有长循环寿命和高 …
五氧化二钒(V 2 O 5)是一种有吸引力的高容量锂离子电池正极材料,但由于结构稳定性差而受到限制。 在这项工作中,我们报告了通过可控的预锂化处理,制备了新的锂有序的Li 0.0625 V 2 O 5锂有序超结构及其性质。 相比VO 5个在纯α-V正方锥2 ø 5结构中,扭曲VO 5在此上层建筑面授正方棱锥的本征层结构具有改善的稳定性,扩展Ç -平面间距,以及在膨胀一-轴。 在相对于Li / Li +的2.5–4.0 V电压范围内,具有锂有序超结构的Li 0.0625 V 2 O 5纳米带显示出高达215 mAh g –1 …
V2O5 layered nanofiber as an advanced cathode material in
2024年7月19日 · Based on this, the AM450-V2O5 electrode exhibits a high initial discharge specific capacity (250.7 mAh/g at 0.1 A/g) and excellent cycling stability (82% cycle retention at 1 A/g after 150 cycles). These results indicate that the V2O5 layered nanofibers are highly promising as long-life, high-rate cathode materials for next-generation LIBs.
Structure Rearrangement and V(IV) Doping for V2O5 as Ultralong …
2019年8月20日 · To improve the electrochemical performance of commercial V 2 O 5, its structures are rearranged and simultaneously doped by coessential and low-valence V (IV) ions via the oxalic acid reductant coupled facile hydrothermal process to achieve successfully V …
Rechargeable Aqueous Zn–V2O5 Battery with High ... - ACS …
2018年5月16日 · We report an aqueous Zn–V 2 O 5 battery chemistry employing commercial V 2 O 5 cathode, Zn anode, and 3 M Zn (CF 3 SO 3) 2 electrolyte. We elucidate the Zn-storage mechanism in the V 2 O 5 cathode to be that hydrated Zn 2+ can reversibly (de)intercalate through the layered structure.